Super outfits... save an outfit correctly.


I noticed in one of the daily update threads that there is some trouble with KoL saving outfits with weapons in the wrong hand or acc out of order. So I wrote this script up to make sure that you can get back into an outfit knowing that it will be exactly the same outfit that you saved.
I only recommend this script be used for the following types of outfits.
1) Outfits where weapon and offhand are both weapons.
2) Outfits where the order of the accessories is important to you
3) Outfits where the familiar and the item that the familiar is using is important to you.

Otherwise I reccommend using normal outfit handling since kol designed them to help lower database hits.

call soutfit save [name] - Save the outfit under the name [name]
call soutfit [name] - put on the outfit named [name] : Only used for outfits that have previously been saved with soutfit


Ah, Thanks - I've been meaning to write a script to do just this myself, but lack of time has prevented me from doing it, now I don't have to.

Now all I need is enough time to try it out.......
