Summon Candy Hearts Script


New member
Hello all, this is my first KoLMafia script, to automate the summoning of Candy Hearts.

I got sick of having to individually summon the hearts, and since the MP cost changes each cast, you can't summon more than one at a time.

The script allows you to configure a ceiling for MP cost to assign because at a certain point, it no longer makes sense to summon. Most likely, that will be before you reach your maxMP. I also added an option to use the beanbag chair at your campsite to override the built-in MP restore function, which of course can be disabled.

I look forward to hearing any feedback you all might give, and thanks for a great tool!

2/13/07 UPDATE: Minor change:

  while(mp_cost($skill[Summon Candy Heart]) < sumMax && mp_cost($skill[Summon Candy Heart]) < my_maxMP()){

  while(mp_cost($skill[Summon Candy Heart]) <= sumMax && mp_cost($skill[Summon Candy Heart]) < my_maxMP()){

so that the script won't stop short of the value set in sumMax...


thanks... glad you like it.

Updated the script (above) to make it less, er... timid. Now it will actually reach the ceiling MP Cost value set, instead of stopping short and cowering before it. ;D
I was wondering if I could get your help in writing a similar script. I wear a jewel-eyed wizard hat and use a Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot while I am adventuring so that my MP get refilled during battle. I want to run a script that will check my MP between battles and Summon a Heart Candy if I have enough MP. Since I can't summon a candy heart during a fight, I figure I can't run this script as a custom battle script. Any ideas?

I'm sure by now you've realized I'm a newbie. I could take the time to figure all this out, but I'm just looking for a quick and dirty script.

Thanks for listening,
Looks like the original poster had that in mind. We will need to hear back from them to be sure, but I think that

boolean allowBB = true;
could be changed to
boolean allowBB = false;
Then set this script up as an unconditional mood trigger.

You may want to increase
int sumMax = 120;
since you are burning excess mp also.

Edit: I do believe kolmafia auto-equips the wizard hat when casting skills.
I just use the script as part of a daily routine prior to adventuring, but I like to see that people are using it for other (more creative) uses...
[quote author=efilnikufecin link=topic=809.msg4066#msg4066 date=1175812392]

boolean allowBB = true;
could be changed to
boolean allowBB = false;
Then set this script up as an unconditional mood trigger.


What does this mean?

I want to do this too, but I don't get this. It looks like allow balancing buffs, but I have no idea.
Well Gravy, I'm working on something that might answer your request.

Please tell me if you DID found a script to do what you were looking >.<
(No, I don't really expect an answer)

Totally Necro-ing the thread, I know; it seems I like to do that.

Anyway, I will probably high-jack the thread a bit.

I'm working on a extra-MP-burner. A way to use MP overflow due to Mp Regen.

I will base some of my work on this script and Frankenstein the rest from other scripts found here.

Will post my progress periodically.
Anyone knows if there is a way to look up how much a skill cost?

So far im using a bootleg of Bale's skill_Cost() found in his recovery script.

Actually: I tried to find as much info I could and one of the things that amazes me about the coders here is that they seem to know all the command/variable that have been worked into Mafia.

Where can I find the list? It would help me a lot!

Once again, thanks Bale!
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Actually: I tried to find as much info I could and one of the things that amazes me about the coders here is that they seem to know all the command/variable that have been worked into Mafia.

We learn those commands mostly be finding them in other people's scripts, just like you're doing, but this is an invaluable resource.

PS. I'm very happy that you're finding my scripts to be useful.