New Content - Implemented Summer 2019 Challenge Path - Kingdom of Exploathing

I have all the monsters in Manuel.

New monster #2137 found in Manuel with name 'invader bullet' image 'invaderbullet.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: 10000 P: construct'
New monster #2136 found in Manuel with name 'skeleton astronaut' image 'astroskeleton.gif' attributes ='Atk: 100 Def: 100 HP: 100 Init: 100 P: undead'
New monster #2138 found in Manuel with name 'the invader' image 'invader.gif' attributes ='Atk: 1000 Def: 1000 HP: 1000 Init: -10000 P: construct'
The thing is, I am confused by the invader bullet. I was unable to determine what scale factor it has, if it really scales. It's an oddball, in any case, since its Attack is meaningless: it doesn't attack at all for 2 rounds and then it insta-kills you.
We can set up automation for the vast majority of choices, which are invoked like this:
Unfortunately, there are a handful of choices which aloow or require an additional parameter. This is one of them.
Perhaps we could set up a new mechanism, like a "choiceParameters1391" property which could have "tossid=XXXXX" as its arg, but don't count on it...

Thinking about this a bit more, could we allow some property choiceAdventureXXX=URL, so if the property is set to something that is not an int, Mafia would just follow that URL.
So setting
choiceAdventure1391 = choice.php?whichchoice=1391&option=1&tossid=10320
would allow users to set automated choices to anything when certain choice adventures come up. This could be generic enough to allow handling of many of these KoL choices with multiple parameters.
I am confused by the invader bullet. I was unable to determine what scale factor it has, if it really scales. It's an oddball, in any case, since its Attack is meaningless: it doesn't attack at all for 2 rounds and then it insta-kills you.
I worked it out successfully this time:

Manuel in the quest log says:

Attack: ?
Defense: ?
HP: 300

Manuel in combat says:

Attack: 256
Defense: 191
HP: 143


Mus: 76 (66)
Mox: 141 (88)
ML: +95

Using scaling rules:

Attack = 256 - 141 (moxie) - 95 (ML) = 20
Defense = 191 - 76 (muscle) - 95 (ML) = 20
HP = 191 (defense) * 0.75 = 143

So Invader Bullet is Scale: 20. I don't know the cap or floor; neither applies to my current state.
Does the fact that Manuel say that HP is 300 imply that the cap (based on defense) is 400?

Maybe not; other scaling monsters have "?" for HP.
Other than Cap and Floor for Invader Bullet, I think all that remains is tracking daily uses of Implode Universe in _universeImploded, daily use limited by skillLevel188
Revision 19537 allows automation of the Exploaded Battlefield non-combat, as requested earlier in this thread and moved to a Feature Request.

Add ability to specify extra fields when automating choices:
set choiceAdventure1391=1&tossid=10320
ash run_choice ( 1, "tossid=10320" );

Revision 19538 tracks Implode Universe in _universeImploded.

I've been through 12 Kingdom of Exploathing runs. I can't think of anything that _I_ am missing. This looks done to me.
Is the Invader fight (and win) tracked? It would be nice to track that with a Mafia property.
This would save a server hit to check.
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When you try to read a fourteenth copy of The Imploded World you get the following:
You've already read that book enough for baker's dozen lifetimes.
and the book remains unread.
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When you try to read a fourteenth copy of The Imploded World you get the following:
You've already read that book enough for baker's dozen lifetimes.
and the book remains unread.
That's good to know. We already check for a positive result - "reread the tale and really remember" - so, we alrerady should not increment your skill level when you get that message; you should be pegged at 13.
Done in revision 19559. Untested.

This update adds the rare meat isotope prompt at the gash, but it needs to be added before breaking the prism (before freeing king Ralph). At the gash in aftercore is too late to spend the isotopes as you have no access to Cosmic Ray's Bazaar.
Good point. Not home right now, but I’ll see what I can do when I get home. I won’t be able to test it, though...

Probably the best way to do it is as a RelayRequest “warning” when you click on King Ralph.
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Revision 19565 will pop up a warning if you attempt to break the prism with rare Meat isotopes in inventory. Untested.
questL11Palindome never changes from "unstarted" until you equip the Talisman and adventure in the Palindome once yourself.

Also not sure if this is a KoE related change but we appear to have both questL12HippyFrat and questL12War now. The former tracks the war (in KoE at least, haven't tried any other paths), the latter is set after the war is over and you visit the quest log or do refresh quests. Is this intentional?

Add questL12HippyFrat to track progress of Hippy/Frat conflict in Kingdom Of Exploathing.
Unfortunately, when you finish it, the quest log says you finished the regular war.
Therefore, having progressed the regular island war is no longer an indicator that the island is available.
Visit the council and whichplace=manor1 before calling user's PostAscension script

Yes deliberate. Not sure whether you are reporting a problem or just asking a question but now you know what I do :-)
questL11Palindome never changes from "unstarted" until you equip the Talisman and adventure in the Palindome once yourself.
Is that incorrect?

In regular KoL, you can't even see the Palindome until you equip the Talisman and visit the plains.
In Kingdom of Exploathing, you can see it ... some time. When can you see it? Do you have to have created the Talisman?

In neither version can you actually adventure there until you equip the Talisman.

These are the situations in which we set the quest to "started".

- Seeing palinlink.gif on plains.php
- Having the Talisman and trying to adventure (via automation) in the Palindome in Kingdom of Exploathing
- Trying to adventure in the Palindome (in Relay Browser) and getting redirected - fight or choice
- Trying to adventure in the Palindome (presumably via script) and getting "That place isn't accessible to you right now". Not wearing Talisman, we assume.

I see this comment:

			// In Kingdom of Exploathing, the Palindome is in place.php?whichplace=exploathing,
			// not in plains.php. It is visible whether or not the Talisman is equipped
I suppose we could look for ... whatever the exploaded Palindome image is ... when we look at the place.php?whichplace-exploathing and assume that if we can see it, the quest has been started. Is that realistic?

- Is it visible from the start, in which case, it's not really started?
- Does it become visible when you make the Talisman and then look at the place.php?
- If you make the Talisman and then try to adventure there via script before looking at the Exploded Kingdom, does it work? Or do you need to "unlock" it, as we do for regular KoL by visiting plains.php?

What did you try that did NOT work, prompting you to write this bug report?

The fix depends on a couple things:
- Is the Palindome visible before you make the Talisman - whether or not you equip it? (What is the image name?)
--> If so, simply seeing the Palindome is not good enough.
- If you make the Talisman, it is visible. Can you automate an adventure there before looking at place.php?
--> If not, we can automate a visit to place.php, just as we do for normal KoL.
--> If yes, we can mark the quest as "started" when you make the Talisman in KoE.

Also not sure if this is a KoE related change but we appear to have both questL12HippyFrat and questL12War now. The former tracks the war (in KoE at least, haven't tried any other paths), the latter is set after the war is over and you visit the quest log or do refresh quests. Is this intentional?
It is intentional. That's just how the quest works in KoE.

In regular KoL, the quest log shows you "Make War, Not... Oh, Wait".
In KoE, the quest log shows you "War, What Is It Good For?" - until you finish the war, at which point the questlog shows "Make War, Not... Oh, Wait" in the Completed Quests.
According to the WIki:

While in a Kingdom of Exploathing run, the Palindome is visible at all times. However, attempting to adventure there without a Talisman o' Namsilat equipped results in the following message:
You find yourself unable to get near the Palindome.
Well, OK.

Revision 19599 will mark questL11Palindome as "started" as soon as you make the Talisman in KoE.