New Content - Implemented Summer 2015 Path: One Crazy Random Summer

I'm going to declare this done. If it turns out we are missing something, feel free to open a new bug report.

I will note that I just saw "a shy, tiny, phase-shifting, tie-dyed, filthy, cowardly, cloned wolfman", but the Relay Browser did not include its attributes, leading me to think it did not recognize it, but I saved the HTML when I forced KoL to reload it, and when I told KoLmafia to parse the encounter (using "test monster"), it had no problem recognizing it. So, I have no idea what the glitch was.
And I just have to comment.

I accidentally earned a Bronze Button on this path. I didn't pay one jot of notice to the leaderboards during the season - and still haven't bothered to go look at them - but I guess that repeatedly ascending on this path and wearing the random modifier ascension rewards was all that it took.

I am amused.
I guess that repeatedly ascending on this path and wearing the random modifier ascension rewards was all that it took.

Yup. The trick to getting a button on this path is to just throw runs at the wall and hope one sticks. (I'm a fellow bronze button winner.)

The sheer boringness that 95% of my decisions in this path were completely meaningless caused me to abandon it half-way through the season. Practically the only relevant decisions are completing the Nuns and Palindome in minimal time. Then you can do that and still get a worse grade that someone who didn't even know that much. It was fun for a while dealing with wacky combats, but that only kept my attention for a while. Honestly the current path is better even though it is so minimalistic.
I enjoyed it, because I like getting hippy/frat/pixel stuff which made all sorts of things faster than they would have been.

Optimal never hurt me - and sometimes helped me. Clingy sometimes hurt me (semirares) and sometimes helped me (lobsterfrogman from the chateau).

It was fun enough - and I need to do one more OCRS Pastamancer run, for symmetry; that is the only class that I have not goten the same number of rewards for. I'll probably do it after the new PVP season starts and I have done "enough" prep turns in this-or-that area, and I need to ascend again to do something in other areas. Won't know for a couple of days what I need to do.
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