Strange and mysterious bugginess


New member
I'm running 13.1, browser Firefox, on a laptop with Windows Vista. I think Firefox updated to a new version recently, so that may be the source of these problems.

Today when I went into combat, all of the combat buttons were missing. Instead there were three buttons labeled Attack, Script, and something else I forgot, plus a dropdown for changing what was assigned to hotkeys. After puzzling over that for a while, I found a checkbox in Mafia's Browser preferences "Add custom buttons to the top of fight pages" and unchecked it. This restored my combat buttons (except that I'm now missing the script button that was usually on the left end). But then, as I started combat, another mysterious bug happened.

The hitpoints listed for the monsters are not being reset at the beginning of each combat. They just keep getting more and more negative -- the damage I do is subtracted, and the next monster starts with that same negative total.

Any ideas? Thanks for your time!

Edit: Just noticed the combat round counter is doing the same thing -- it's not resetting at the start of combat, so it thinks I'm on combat round 108 now. I just tried autoing a fight, and it's immediately dropping me into the "you're on your own, partner" (presumably because the round number is too high).
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Same here - started within the last 2 hours as it was working fine before I went off to eat.
Also not counting the meat or turns in themthar hills anymore.

And I think its stopped autohealing too - although that may be me fiddling with the settings.......
Something is causing mafia to not parse the combat pages correctly, so I'm gonna guess there was a stealth change to the page source that's jacking mafia up.

Edit: It has something to do with the combat action bars, if you disable them these issues don't occur.
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Thanks for the tip. It was, in fact, a server side change on the Account page. I'm currently testing the fix.
does this also account for the moods not working in manual adventuring?

Edit: apparently it does. i disabled the CAB and now it runs my mood
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I'll keep checking this thread for updates on this. I've become more and more dependent on playing thru mafia due to my comp overheating if I don't :(

Anyhow, removing my special attack via kolmafia interface was not recognized (for auto-adventuring), so I had to change the auto-attack in KoL's account screen which mafia did recognize. I'll keep my eye out for other things (like maybe the hp/mp thing not firing off), but hopefully all will be well soon enough :D

Thanks for all your hard work,
You're waiting for updates? Well, I submitted the fix a while ago. If you build your own executable, you're good to go now. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until somebody spins a build for you.

I suppose this means I should release 13.2 ASAP, even thought there is a fair list of things I was going to do that aren't in yet: Hot Tub, Seal Clubber update, Vacuum Chamber...

When I said "updates," I meant your post that all was working right again and the fix worked :)

I've been grabbing the daily builds so I figured once your fix was in place, someone would post an updated build assuming it required one, otherwise I figured things would just start working as they should. Again, I wasn't having any probs with what I was using mafia for other than recognizing changes in auto-attack from kolmafia to the game. I was on the lookout for moods to be messed up but they worked properly as did HP/MP management. I have never used combat action bars so perhaps I was less affected than others to begin with :)
Again, I wasn't having any probs with what I was using mafia for other than recognizing changes in auto-attack from kolmafia to the game.
You mean when KoLmafia sets autoattack, it's not changing it in KoL? I just tried it via the CLI "autoattack" command and it worked fine. What are you doing?
Thanks so much for the quick fix! I'm grinding through the frat war on a Kittycore run, love being able to use Mafia.