Bug - Won't Fix Storage_amount() doesn't return correct amount

So, the issue is this:

Once you empty storage - or we detect that storage is empty; you could presumably take items one at a time until it is - we set the "last emptied storage" setting to say "this ascension" and never look in storage again until you ascend again. That saves a pair of server hits at login: one for api.php?what=storage, and one to look at the main page of storage to count Meat & pulls. It used to be a lot more complicated and processing intensive to parse multiple (large) pages of items.

special edition Batfellow comics appear in storage by magic on Mondays.

If you are, somehow, still in-run, Meat from your store and items you buy from other stores will appear there too - but it is extremely unlike that you have nothing left in storage but are in-run.

Don't PVP leaderboard awards for PVP get stuck into storage?

Anything else?

Should we considering retiring the "last emptied storage" flag and always do the two (extra) requests at login?
The following magically appear in storage:

angst burger
5-hour acrimony
special edition Batfellow comic

If we don't look at storage since we believe you have emptied it, we'll never see them.

I like the idea of saving two server hits at login - although it never affects me.

I notice that the Storage panels on the Item Manager have a "refresh" button which will refresh storage. Your items will then be visible. In theory, we will then correct lastEmptiedStorage such that from then on we'll look at it at login - at which point we will reset it again if you emptied it again.

I will either confirm that behavior or make it so.
Revision 17862 will, in fact, set lastEmptiedStorage to -1 if we thought you'd emptied it this ascension but notice things in it after a refresh.

I think that is an adequate workaround for this issue: skipping 2 server hits on every login since you've emptied storage seems worthwhile (faster login!) but if things magically appear in storage, you can see them by refreshing via the Item Manager or the "refresh storage" command in the gCLI.

I don't that this "fixes" this issue, but it's what you're going to get.