storage meat

No. However, there should be. By analogy with the closet meat functions:

int my_storage_meat();
boolean take_storage( int );

... should exist and would be trivial to add to the ASH runtime library.
Storage can hold meat too, and it isn't counted by my_closet_meat().

When you can interact, meat is added to your on-hand meat whenever something sells in your store, and that info is displayed in the character pane, so it is refreshed often enough to be considered always up to date.

I guess Mafia doesn't try to track Storage meat because it can change when you can't interact and something sells in your store. There is no way to keep that information up to date without visiting storage.php specifically for that.

Here is an excerpt from networth.php (using zlib's excise() ):
int storage_meat = excise(visit_url("storage.php"),"have "," meat").to_int();
Oooh...good answer, slyz! I forgot about meat going into storage from mall sales.

Actually, KoLmafia does read your storage meat when it refreshes your session and looks at storage, but it makes no attempt to update it. It does understand taking and adding to storage meat for the MMG and tracks that.

My suggestion was to provide access to KoLCharacter.storageMeat, much as the equivalent ASH functions provide access to KoLCharacter.closetMeat.

"Storage" did not suggest Hagnk's to me for some reason. Too much time in Hardcore, I guess.
Oooh...good answer, slyz! I forgot about meat going into storage from mall sales.

Actually, KoLmafia does read your storage meat when it refreshes your session and looks at storage, but it makes no attempt to update it. It does understand taking and adding to storage meat for the MMG and tracks that.

My suggestion was to provide access to KoLCharacter.storageMeat, much as the equivalent ASH functions provide access to KoLCharacter.closetMeat.

So does this mean there should or shouldn't be ASH commands?

I ask specifically for MMG use, actually, but I can understand wanting not to implement functions that would provide potentially inaccurate data. Maybe have them check against the server when !KoLCharacter.canInteract (as any other time the meat from mall sells would go into your hand... right?)