Feature Stop automation if: I get beaten up

b bandit

When I start my day I need to turn auto-recovery off because otherwise it will just drain all my mp while switching through some different outfits. (going between high hp and low hp outfits and buffs)

At other times I need to turn on auto-recovery.

Sometimes I forget that I needed to turn on auto-recovery and waste dozens or hundreds of turns. (has happened more than a few times)

It would be nice if there were an option to stop if you get beaten up from the dropdown menu. The best option, that would make it impossible for me to mess things up, would be an option for "Stop if auto-recovery fails, or if I get beaten up"


Staff member
You can set a mood that triggers if you get beaten up. You can make the action Abort. So that should abort if you are Beaten Up at any time that KoLmafia is doing mood processing.

I have been using a recovery script for so long that I have forgotten what the native support for recovery is, but you could certainly make a recovery script that tried to run Kolmafia's recovery and then checked for success. It could abort if recovery failed.

You can also turn off MP restoration which is often what drains meat which is often an issue. That may require you to rethink your buff strategy but it is one more way to make automation stop so you can tweak something.

b bandit

Adding a mood works great, thanks. It might be useful to add a checkbox to stop if beaten up occurs, (to make it obvious and easy) but the mood option works perfectly