Bug - Fixed starter weapon not removed when you get Epic Weapon


New member
The flavor text says you use your starter weapon as a substitution for the Epic weapon in the unmarked garve. The game removes it, but Mafia does not.
r16075 tries to do this better - doesn't remove it when you pull them from storage, etc, only when in the choice adventure.
I just did that part of the quest with r16075, and the starter weapon was not removed from mafia's inventory:
> inv disco ball

chintzy disco ball pendant (12)
chocolate disco ball (81)
disco ball (135)
unusual disco ball (37)
Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here
You acquire an item: Disco Banjo

> inv disco ball

chintzy disco ball pendant (12)
chocolate disco ball (81)
disco ball (135)
unusual disco ball (37)

> refresh inv

Updating inventory...
Requests complete.

> inv disco ball

chintzy disco ball pendant (12)
chocolate disco ball (81)
disco ball (134)
unusual disco ball (37)
Looks fixed:

> inv saucepan

chintzy saucepan earring
chocolate saucepan (71)
saucepan (180)
Saucepanic (12)
Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here
Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here
You acquire an item: 5-Alarm Saucepan

> inv saucepan

5-Alarm Saucepan
chintzy saucepan earring
chocolate saucepan (71)
saucepan (179)
Saucepanic (12)

> refresh inv

Updating inventory...
Requests complete.

> inv saucepan

5-Alarm Saucepan
chintzy saucepan earring
chocolate saucepan (71)
saucepan (179)
Saucepanic (12)