Bug - Waiting for Info Staff of Ed strips me naked?


For some reason, in the past few ascensions I've done, every time I click on the pyramid, Mafia automatically strips me naked.

ETA: IT's not every time I click on the pyramid. Though it did happen this time. There's another instance of it happening in the past, see my post below.

Here's what happened this time:
Verifying ingredients for Staff of Ed (1)...
Verifying ingredients for headpiece of the Staff of Ed (1)...
Creating headpiece of the Staff of Ed (1)...
You acquire an item: headpiece of the Staff of Ed
Successfully created headpiece of the Staff of Ed (1)
Taking off beer helmet...
Equipment changed.
Taking off happiness...
Equipment changed.
Taking off wonderwall shield...
Equipment changed.
Taking off distressed denim pants...
Equipment changed.
Taking off your cowboy boots...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter...
Equipment changed.
Taking off gold wedding ring...
Equipment changed.
Taking off astral pet sweater...
Equipment changed.
Creating Staff of Ed (1)...
You acquire an item: Staff of Ed
Successfully created Staff of Ed (1)

Did I accidentally check a wrong box somewhere?

ETA: I'm using v17.2 (r16781) which as far as I'm aware is the most recently Daily Build
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You say it happened in the past few ascensions. When was the last time it did not happen, and the first time it did happen? That could narrow down a KoL/mafia change that resulted in the issue.
It looks like my memory was playing tricks on me. Sorry for the misinformation.

Though Mafia DID strip me naked once in the current season (and also today).

The last time Mafia stripped me naked was on 6 March. Here's the message from THAT session log:

Use 1 boring binder clip + 1 McClusky file (page 1) + 1 McClusky file (page 2) + 1 McClusky file (page 3) + 1 McClusky file (page 4) + 1 McClusky file (page 5)
You acquire an item: McClusky file (complete)
unequip hat
unequip weapon
unequip offhand
unequip pants
unequip acc1
unequip acc2
unequip acc3
unequip familiarequip
Took choice 786/2: Get random item
> BBB: Fight protector spirit.

Maybe this is related?

I've had 2 ascensions between the 6th and today. Those were both Beanslinger, and I can't recall any "being stripped naked" problems with them, nor can I find that happening with grep. I was a Snake Oiler on the 6th and today. And since it appears the system logs are different than the gcli here's today's:

Combine 1 ancient amulet + 1 Eye of Ed
You acquire an item: headpiece of the Staff of Ed
Crafting used 1 each of ancient amulet and Eye of Ed
unequip hat
unequip weapon
unequip offhand
unequip pants
unequip acc1
unequip acc2
unequip acc3
unequip familiarequip

Combine 1 headpiece of the Staff of Ed + 1 Staff of Fats
You acquire an item: Staff of Ed
Crafting used 1 each of Staff of Fats and headpiece of the Staff of Ed

If your before battle, after adventure, or a mood is changing your equipment, that can result in these sorts of behaviours. It has to do with checkpoints, implicit and otherwise. It's why most posted AA or BB scripts don't do that anymore.

Otherwise, you need a LOT more information posted for guessing. The entire office adventure-log from the first through the completion in the Hidden Office, or your Desert Beach sequence. And you didn't note... are you running fully in the relay browser, or using some automation, or helper relay scripts, or... what precisely led up to having your equipment forcibly removed a piece at a time, per your log post.