Spelunkin' Information


Here's a pretty simple relay script to help Spelunkin' adventurers.

Simple means really simple. I basically just copied a table from the wiki and added some information about which noncombat is coming. I invite everyone who uses this to comment about additional information they'd like to see and to modify the script if they'd like to make display improvements. I'm really hoping that as a community this project will be better than if I tried to make it perfect by myself.

UPDATE! The script is no longer as simple or bare-bones. It's gotten pretty nice, in part thanks to help from ckb.

I removed the attachment to an old version. You can now download the latest version from SVN with the following CLI command:
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/spelunky/code/
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Briefly looked at it, having the phase available is a good start. I might find color-coding unlocks (to indicate availability, e.g. spider lair in red if you don't have a rope on hand) to be useful. IIRC my main issue when trying to kill Yomama was that I'd either lose track of phase, forget what noncombat I had planned, or mash adventure again when my noncombat was due (outside the scope of this script, I guess).
Cosmetic improvement: Improved phase highlighting.

I haven't actually killed Yomama yet. Lately I'm just trying to get the third factoid for the Queen Bee. Why the heck isn't she a boss?! It's annoying to get only one try per Tale since killing her makes it impossible to get to Yomama. Getting the Golden Burglar trophy was kinda inevitable while killing all those Queen Bees.
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This script has gotten pretty darn good, so I moved it over to my collection of relay scripts HERE.

You can now download this from SVN with the following CLI command:
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/spelunky/code/