

What does it do?

Spacegate will dial and run your daily spacegate turns, earning research. Uses twenty adventures/day.

How do I use it?

Install it by running this command in KoLmafia's graphical CLI:

svn checkout

Once it's installed, run "Spacegate" from the scripts menu. It'll run through all twenty turns.

To update the script itself (or any script), run this command in the graphical CLI:

svn update

Spacegate will require a recent daily build of mafia.

Contact me in-game: Ezandora (#1557284)
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Planets got scrambled today. Hotstuff's forum post

Per This Forum Post:

Here is planet ZZZZZZZ post "power failure":
Post update:

Current planet: Planet Name: Iota Bubblicius XI
Coordinates: ZZZZZZZ
Environmental Hazards:
magnetic storms
high winds
frigid zones
nasty gasses
lewd rock formations
Plant Life: primitive
Animal Life: primitive (hostile)
Intelligent Life: none detected
DANGER: Spant chemical signature detected
DANGER: Murderbot frequencies detected
Would it be difficult to have this script parse a command with the desired planet? So I could do "call spacegate ladyboy" and go where I want?
Would it be difficult to have this script parse a command with the desired planet? So I could do "call spacegate ladyboy" and go where I want?

You can always change it manually.

//Always use this planet.
string __setting_planet_override = "";
is near the top of the script. Changing the value between "" will make the script always goto that planet. You can always make multiple copies of the script, and name it the planet you want to visit for ease of recalling.
You can always make multiple copies of the script, and name it the planet you want to visit for ease of recalling.
This works well if you want to consistently visit a few planets, in order to farm the stuff there. If you want to keep exploring other planets, your current options are to edit the script every time you use it, or just visit the spacegete terminal manually.
I assumed from the beginning that this script was meant to go after a planet with no combats. People that want a script that can arbitrarily run into combats might want a different script (that doesn't currently exist, at least not publicly on this forum).