Feature - Rejected Spacegate Buff Daily Deed

As the title says: could we get a build in daily deed option for the spacegate buff, I was hoping for a dropdown like the April Shower and Deck of Every Card.
While it would be convenient to have it built in, I found it sufficient to make a custom deed like this:

$CUSTOM|Combo|Vaccine|_spacegateVaccine|$ITEM|+3 all res|false|spacegate vaccine 1|$ITEM|+50% all stat|false|spacegate vaccine 2|$ITEM|+30 ML|false|spacegate vaccine 3
I tried adding the supplied string, via Preferences -> Daily Deeds -> Building Custom Deed -> Text dialogue, and got an entry in the Daily Deeds window on the Overview tab on the Adventure tab.

The problem is that it had no label and no button. After consulting the wiki I took a look at the data in the Global_prefs.txt file and it seems to be correct.

I must be doing something wrong but I'm stumped?

Any ideas?

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Adding it via "Daily Deeds -> Text dialogue" prepends $CUSTOM|TEXT to it which is why you see it as text in the daily deeds panel.

From the help menu: "Combo - A cleaner way to collapse multiple related command deeds into one combobox element. Note that there is no GUI to help you construct this, you must manually add it to your dailyDeedsOptions preference."
Thank you! That's what I was missing. I removed the "extra" $CUSTOM|TEXT from the preferences file and all worked as expected.
Was this feature rejected because it's unwanted, or just because there was a workaround and nobody contributed any code?
Was this feature rejected because it's unwanted, or just because there was a workaround and nobody contributed any code?

I don't know who marked it as rejected, I have no personal interest in implementing it because anyone who wants it can make the custom deed. There is precedent for not implementing Daily Deeds when they can be created as a custom deed.