Feature Some sort of way to check if an ASH file exists


Is there any chance of being able to search for the existence of a particular script, or get a list of all installed scripts, or some sort of dir or ls command? It would be nice to be able to be able to have some sort of plug-in support for scripts.
If you don't care about gCLI spam, you can use validate...
> ash cli_execute("validate blerg");

Unable to invoke blerg
Returned: false

> ash cli_execute("validate ballroom");

No functions in your current namespace.

Script verification complete.
Returned: true
Is there any chance of being able to search for the existence of a particular script, or get a list of all installed scripts, or some sort of dir or ls command? It would be nice to be able to be able to have some sort of plug-in support for scripts.

Please elaborate. "Installed" ash scripts are files in your scripts directory so "dir" or "ls" or equivalent will give you the names of all scripts. Concept easily extrapolated to relay scripts which are in the relay directory.

If you are interested in defined functions and namespace type stuff see post above.

Not sure that plug in support offers anything more useful than scripts. What's your vision? What do you want from a plugin/?
I've sometimes thought that it would be nice if I could go "verify all scritps in my script folder" instead of having to run each individually to see if some Mafia change has broken any of them.
Please elaborate. "Installed" ash scripts are files in your scripts directory so "dir" or "ls" or equivalent will give you the names of all scripts. Concept easily extrapolated to relay scripts which are in the relay directory.

If you are interested in defined functions and namespace type stuff see post above.

Not sure that plug in support offers anything more useful than scripts. What's your vision? What do you want from a plugin/?

One simple example I could think of is CHIT, which could have custom plugins for blocks on the wall, it could search for relay scripts in a folder or named CHIT_*.