New Content - Implemented Slow and Steady

Just about done. Good riddance. I'm confused why "sheet cake" with no adventures and no stats is sorted above "incredible pizza" with lots of stats. I can't say I've heard of either of them. /me checks wiki

Oh, "sheet cake" is unspaded. I ate it for fun and got lots and lots of stats for 15 full.
Eating 1 sheet cake...
You gain 145 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 169 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 221 Smarm
You gain 15 Fullness
Finished eating 1 sheet cake.
I'm not sure if this is a really SnS issue. Or an issue at all. "brains casserole" sorted to #2, which seems strange.


Bowl of Scorpions is my "best" booze and it removes moxie (main) stats. Something isn't right. Stats per fullness would be best, but ugh, that's not really worth the effort.
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Mafia apparently sorts by fullness when everything gives 0 adventures. When fullness is tied, then it sorts by mainstat I think?
Is this fully implemented?
I finished my run too soon to say. The sorting confusion bothers me, but only from a style point of view. It isn't really a problem for the user. If someone can confirm the familiar fix worked (and why wouldn't it), I'd say mark it implemented.
I can confirm have_familiar returns false for familiars that are too old in S&S.
This is not my experience. With the most recent daily (14021):
> ashq print(have_familiar($familiar[frumious bandersnatch]))


> ashq print(my_path())

Slow and Steady
This has been the case for me with every daily build I've tried in Slow and Steady.

I have tried putting a clean daily build in a clean folder, doesn't fix it. Not sure what could be different between me and heeheehee, but have_familiar definitely does not appear to be working as expected for me.

Is there any information I can provide to help in tracking this down?
What does
ashq is_unrestricted( $familiar[frumious bandersnatch] )
Nothing ;) But
> ashq print(is_unrestricted( $familiar[frumious bandersnatch] ))


Which, as I understand it, is working as expected. I used is_unrestricted to work around this issue in bumcheekascend.ash, comparably with the way is_trendy is for the Trendy path handling, and it works as I expect.

So Mafia knows which of my familiars are available in S&S - but have_familiar is not making use of that information, as far as I can see.
Quick sidenote - what lost wanted to ask you about was actually ASH, not ASHQ (the Q for Quiet)... since that would have given you a false. :D
have_familiar() should be fixed in 14040, thanks to Darzil for catching that. I'm sure I saw it working before, even though I don't see how it could have worked.