Feature - Implemented Slimeling tracking improvements


Active member
Two issues for me with trying to apply the patch. First, your source location is a/src, which makes it not properly apply for me. Second, there have been enough changes in the past month and a half that it won't actually apply anymore. Any chance of respinning a patch?
Don't add slimeling charges when fed meat stack equipment

Equipment that needs a meatstack to smith up doesn't give the slimeling MP charges. It just lets him disgorge slime stacks. Currently mafia will add an expected number of charges based on the power, which can lead to confusion when you see 20 charges but the slimeling is doing nothing.


I might try this, but this whole ".patch" thing is intimidating. Is that an SVN thing?

Question: does updateRoundData() run if twiddling (or any other thing that doesn't increment the round)? If it does, a simple (but not complete) way to do it is to check only on the winning round. This will at least update it per adventure (unless you lose).

If it doesn't, then I have an idea what to do.


Staff member
You know, I finally took a look at this. I'm willing to manually merge, rather that using patch, but looking at all the templates and such - i.e., Java features from a later version of Java than KoLmafia is written in - it looks like rather a lot of work to pull in...


Yeah, I just looked at it briefly. Biggest problem that jumped out was use of @Override annotations. That, and a very strange diff format.


Staff member
Revision 9584 incorporates code inspired by Aankhen's patch. I did not want to add a new field and a bunch of new accessors to the AdventureResult; I was content to just let ConcoctionDatabase keep a map of meat stack recipes and see if an item is in that map when determining if the slimeling generates slime stacks or MP. It keeps the same two properties he added - slimelingStacksDropped and slimelingStacksDue. If due > dropped, it annotates the slimeling in the sidepanel to show that.

I liked the look of the recipe and ingredient commands, but as coded they were heavily dependent on Java features we cannot use in KoLmafia. Pity. Perhaps somebody could make a feature request and somebody could rewrite those commands some day.
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