Simple kmail script


New member
I put this into a txt file:


but nothing happens. Has something about the functioning of scripts like this changed? I haven't done anything with scripts since last spring.
Is there a simpler way to tell it to kmail someone?
Whenever I need to test message sending:

send 1 stolen accordion, 1 meat to holatuwol

If the item send fails, it will automatically put the item in a package and resend it as a gift. It will use just barely a big enough box (if it's less than 5) or multiple boxes of capacity 5 (if you have more than 5) and send however many boxes are necessary to send everything in your list.
Hm. Well, I think I've figured it out. There seems to be something stopping me though - perhaps a character limit. It works if I use the code I pasted above, but if I use something of a certain length, it won't work. I'll just have to figure out that limit.
Thanks for the reply, hola.