Simple ChatBot


This script is a very simple start for a ChatBot. I've included some notes in the script if you want to modify things that it can do. It's pretty easy to figure out. (At least, I think it's easy)

If you want the bot to have the ability to send the last 30 chat messages upon request:
set chatServesUpdates=true

To set the script to work:
set chatbotScript=scripts\\chatbot.ash

The bot will show in the CLI everything that's been spoken in chat. If PM, or normal chat. Will only log the chat for the clan you are currently in. If you choose to be at the console when the bot is running, it WILL NOT respond to your commands. I found when the bot responds to itself, it can cause endless loops and spam chat.

The bot can be easily programmed to be a buff bot as well. It currently responds to the following commands in PM only:

Update: last 20 messages received in open chat (does not record PM's)
Ode: single shot of Ode to Booze
Dance, and can be "reprogrammed"

Requires ZLIB.ASH to run properly. I think everyone should have that by now anyways.

svn checkout svn://
Last edited:
> svn checkout svn://

Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
[COLOR="#FF0000"]The requested repo failed validation. Complain to the script's author.[/COLOR]

You made a simple mistake. The base directory cannot contain anything other than the (optional) dependencies.txt

Just delete the copy of ChatBot.ash from the main directory and it will work. You already have ChatBot.ash in the /scripts sub-directory where it belongs.
Last edited by a moderator:
> svn checkout svn://

Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
[COLOR="#FF0000"]The requested repo failed validation. Complain to the script's author.[/COLOR]

You made a simple mistake. The base directory cannot contain anything other than the (optional) dependencies.txt

Just delete the copy of ChatBot.ash from the main directory and it will work. You already have ChatBot.ash in the /scripts sub-directory where it belongs.

I was finally able to get this done. It's working now, if anyone wants a copy of it.
I updated the script. Not sure if anyone even uses it. I added support for auto-reply Zatara consults. I Might make a few more changes in the near future.
I decided to release my version of a heartbeat script. I've been holding onto it for a long time. I feel it works nicely. It keeps the bot active in chat. It goes off every 10 minutes, and PM's itself, as to not spam chat. Included with the heartbeat script is a whitelist.ash, that checks to see if anyone has come in, or left the clan in the last 30 seconds. It ignores fax bots. The heartbeat script runs separate from the chatbot script itself. No modifications to an existing bot need to be made for it to work.

The only thing I would highly recommend you do if you use this script, is either use the supplied "login script.ash", or modify your own that allows chat to be opened for the bot, and starts the heartbeat script. You will need to modify the heartbeat.ash to point to your bot, and to your clan if you choose to use the whitelist script.

I tested this on a non-bot, and I had no issues with it. As always, if you use it, and have trouble, let me know.