Feature - Implemented shrug hare-brained

b bandit

hare-brained is an effect you get from adventuring at "A Deserted Stretch of I-911". Its a zone that opens up after choosing the hare option from the Grimstone mask. You can shrug the effect by right clicking, just like shrugging off an AT song. Mafia doesn't seem to know how to do that though. At least not from the gCLI. When I tried this is the output:

> shrug hare-brained

Hare-Brained has no specific item or skill for removal. Trying generics...
Using soft green whatever...
Hare-Brained removed.

It said it was removed, but it isn't actually removed because the effect can't be removed with a soft green whatever.
Few people use the zone.. but I plan on using it every day, and will need to shrug the buff every time (that's the only way to remove it)

Thanks for any attention this may get :)

I'm not sure if this falls under the category of bug or feature..
Is hare-brained shruggable and/or removable via SGEEA if you get it from a wish or a pizza or some other means?
To clarify, hare-brained is shruggable, for free. But mafia doesn't know how. It tries to use a SGEEA which fails. You get get hare-brained by adventuring at I-911. You need to use a grimstone mask to access the area. You can access the area over any number of days (it persists through rollover) until you complete 30 adventures there. Each time you do you get the hare-brained effect, until you shrug it off (and adventure elsewhere) or finish the 30 adventures. If anyone needs a mask to figure out how it works I can send a couple over ahead of time, or just refund the cost (maybe a bit more than 20k)
What is the URL to shrug hare-brained for free?
I'm not exactly sure how to figure that out.. If you tell me how I can check that, I will.


I figured out how to check the html of the character pane and came up with this:

<img src="https://d2uyhvukfffg5a.cloudfront.net/itemimages/hare.gif" width=30 height=30 onClick='eff("fc1d8018dbb987f7fe731f3dc92402ad");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(1515, "Hare-Brained");'></td><td valign=center><font size=2>Hare-Brained (11)
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For reference, shrug() does this:


function shrug(id, name)
    var d = new Date();
   if (confirm("Do you want to shrug off " + name + "?"))
        var url = 'charsheet.php?pwd=' + pwdhash + '&action=unbuff&whichbuff=' + id;
        var ret = loadXMLDoc(url + "&ajax=" + d.getTime() + "&noredirect=1", function (text)
                if (text.substr(0, 3) == 'no|')
                    alert("Unable to shrug " + name + " because you are " + text.substr(3) + ".");
                    var div = top.mainpane.document.getElementById('effdiv');
                    if (!div)
                        var container = top.mainpane.document.createElement('DIV');
                        container.id = 'effdiv';
                        container.innerHTML = text;
                        top.mainpane.document.body.insertBefore(container, top.mainpane.document.body.firstChild);
                        div = container;
                        div.innerHTML = text;

                    div.style.display = "block";
                    top.mainpane.scrollTo(0, 0);

        if (!ret)
            top.mainpane.location.href = url;
   return false;