New Content - Implemented Shop revamp

It turns out that this.item in getRow() is not actually the item I wanted. Maybe now I'll be able to move forward with something that can work.
At some point, it would probably be good to reduce the number of constructors in CoinmasterData to 1. With so many parameters for them, it gets confusing to keep track of which ones are optional.
Bump: As of r12207, Grandma Sea Monkee doesn't seem to notice item consumption when you manually buy something; ex. if you have 5 sea lace, buy a sushi doily, and check Mafia's item manager, it still thinks you have 5 lace. After "refresh inv" it changes to 4. Same issue with the rest of her wares, presumably (also tested with the scale-mail underwear).
This FReq is implemented. Since you can buy from Grandma.

Since Grandma's store is New Content, you should probably make a new New Content or Bug Report thread to track her purchases correctly.