Sewer.ash - It gets you through the sewers!


Sewer.ash 1.2

Sewer.ash is a script that automates the sewers leading to Hobopolis. It tries to do this efficiently. To run this script, put it in your scripts folder. This script now requires zlib.ash. Get zlib here.

There are various settings to sewer.ash. To change them, type "zlib settingname = value" into the Graphical CLI. Here's a list of all the settings, along with their default values.

hoboSewerOutfitBegin = default

Use this to put on a specific outfit before you start adventuring into the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your outfit.

hoboSewerOutfitEnd = default

Use this to put on a specific outfit after you adventure in the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your outfit from what you were wearing in the sewers.

hoboSewerMoodBegin = default

Use this to use a specific mood before you start adventuring into the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your mood.

hoboSewerMoodEnd = default

Use this to use a specific mood after you adventure in the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your mood from what what it was in the sewers.

hoboSewerFamiliarBegin= default

Use this to use a specific familiar before you start adventuring into the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your familiar.

hoboSewerFamiliarEnd= default

Use this to use a specific familiar after you adventure in the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your familiar from what what it was in the sewers.

hoboSewerCombatScriptBegin= default

Use this to use a specific combat script before you start adventuring into the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your combat script.

hoboSewerCombatScriptend= default

Use this to use a specific combat script after you adventure in the sewers. "default" means the script won't change your combat script from what what it was in the sewers.

hoboSewerEquipHoboBinder = true

Equip your hobo code binder in the sewers.

hoboSewerRunGlyphChecker = true

If this is set to true, it will check to see how many hobo glyphs before every time you adventure in the sewers (needed to calculate other things in the script. If you set this to false, it will still check if the script thinks you have 0 glyphs... just in case.

hoboSewerGlyphCount = 0

This is how many glyphs sewer.ash thinks you have.

hoboSewerEquipGatorskinUmbrella = true

If you have a gatorskin umbrella, this will equip it for you in the sewers.

hoboSewerWaitToBeRescued = false

If you get caught in the C.H.U.M. cage, what do you do? Set this to true to abort the script if you get caught.

hoboSewerGnawYourWayOutThisManyTimes = 3

if you get caught in the C.H.U.M. cage, and don't want to sit and be rescued, you can gnaw your way out of the cage. However, doing this uses up 10 adventures. Use this setting to say how many times you're willing to gnaw your way out of the cage.

hoboSewerTurnGrates = true

If you can turn grates to speed up the run for everyone, you will. Set to false to not spend turns speeding up the run for everyone else.

hoboSewerLowerWater = true

If you can lower the water level to speed up the run for everyone, you will. Set to false to not spend turns speeding up the run for everyone else.

hoboSewerAdventureOnlyIfBurnbarrelAvailable = false

hoboSewerAdventureOnlyIfEsplanadeAvailable = false

hoboSewerAdventureOnlyIfTheHeapAvailable = false

hoboSewerAdventureOnlyIfBurialGroundAvailable = false

hoboSewerAdventureOnlyIfPLDAvailable = false

If all 5 options above are set to false, nothing happens. If any of them are true, the script will only run if one of the places you want to adventure in are adventure-able. If you only want to adventure if the Purple Light District is open, and it's not, the script will abort. If you only want to adventure in the Burial Grounds or The Heap, and the Burial Grounds are closed but The Heap is opened, you will adventure through the sewers. If an area is not opened YET, you will adventure in the sewers.

hoboSewerConvertGatorskinToUmbrella = true

Setting this to true will turn your available gator skins into gatorskin umbrellas. If possible.

hoboSewerConvertC.H.U.M.ToDumplings = true

Setting this to true will turn your available C.H.U.M. chum into unfortunate dumplings. If possible.

hoboSewerConvertNuggetsToWads = true

Setting this to true will turn your available sewer nuggets into sewer wads. If possible. Will try to send them to smashbot if you can interact with others.

hoboSewerConvertSchnappsToOoze = true

Setting this to true will turn your available bottle of sewage schnapps into bottles of Ooze-O. If possible. This considers how many uses of Nash Crosby's still you have remaining.

hoboSewerConvertLiverToOil = true

Setting this to true will turn your available decaying goldfish liver into oil of oiliness(es). If possible.

hoboSewerLeftoversSave1Mall2Sellbot3 = 1

Set this to 1 to hold on to sewer drops that you weren't able to convert to something else. Set this to 2 to put it in the mall. Set this to 3 to send it to sellbot.

Update 02/18/11:
Fixed minor bug that didn't set choice adventures correctly.

Update 03/07/11:
Fixed bug that caused mood and combat scripts to not be changed correctly.
Fixed bug where the script did not detect that you had a hobo code binder if it was in your other hand.
Cleaned up the adventuring code a little bit.

Update 06/25/11:
Fixed a bug where you weren't opening grates or lowering the water level when you wanted to
Changed some logic so that if you do not want the script to change your outfit, familiar, mood, or CS... then it won't
Fixed a bug where toothTolerance wasn't working correctly
Instead of aborting if you did not have a Gatorskin Umbrella equipped (and you had the script check to make sure you have it), the script will equip it for you.
Same thing with the Hobo Code Binder
Added a check to see if you had already made it passed the sewers.
Fixed bug with Glyph_Checker.ash.

Update 08/04/11
Fixed a bug that caused the script to not be able to see how low the water level was

Update 1/21/12 V. 1.0
1: Fixed a whole bunch of bugs. The ones people will probably notice are:
. a) Fixed it from being over-zealous about checking water level or grates when you clearly don't need to anymore.
. b) Fixed it so that when it checks grates and water level, it does it correctly. Finally!
2: Cleaned up the code
3: Uses Zlib, so that if the script get's updated again, you don't lose your settings.
. a) "default" means the script change that particular thing. If you use the "default" outfit at the end of the sewers, you keep the clothing you had on in the sewers.
4: put GlyphChecker.ash code inside of Sewer.ash. Also condensed it.

Update 4/16.12 V 1.1
1: Fixed a bug where it was trying to send a number, instead of an item to sellbot, if that's your thing.

Update 7/25/12 V 1.2
1: Fixed a bug where it wasn't sending the right amount of sewer nuggets to smashbot, if the script was sending them to smashbot


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I found a couple bugs:

If you set checkBinder = true, then if you're already wearing your outfit with the binder the script shuts down because it can't find the binder in your inventory. I had to unequip the binder, after which then it would find it and equip my outfit.

Also, and more serious: when it started adventuring, the first combat it kept trying to call my mood over and over again in an infinite loop until I aborted the script. I made sure the mood had been set, tried again, and the same problem came up.

What is the error message that you get when mafia can't find the binder? Does it say: "Hey! Don't forget to equip your Hobo Code Binder!", or does it say "no hobo code binder"? If you received the second message... If you have the hobo code binder equipped, and you try to put on an outfit that has the binder in it, mafia can't find it. I'll add a line that un-equips everything before it puts on the outfit you specify.

As for the mood error... That's strange. When you say "infinite loop", is it constantly wasting your MP trying to cast skills, or does it say something like, "executing mood" a bunch of times?

Just to be sure, you made sure spelled the mood name correctly right? And do you have mafia set up to automatically refill your MP if you run low? If so... let me know and I'll look into it.

Fixed bug that caused mood and combat scripts to not be changed correctly.
Fixed bug where the script did not detect that you had a hobo code binder if it was in your other hand.
Cleaned up the adventuring code a little bit.
Just downloaded this script and got some bugs.

After it complete the purchase of everything (btw, why not just buy 1 or 2 of everything and if an item is used for a test, just restock? That way you will not end up buying lots of extras from the Mall when materials will probablydrop while adventuring) it tell me "You can't wear that outfit." and abort. The Offhand slot is empty.

I tried to remove the Codebinder and got the same message.

Rerunning the script, this comes after the How Many Glyphs do I have-check.

> call L:\KoL Mafia\scripts\Sewer.ash

You have all known glyphs!
You can't wear that outfit.

I tried to comment away the Unequip Codebinder line and equipped it myself. But then it said I dont have the codebinder, as been reported earlier.

Ahhhh nevermind me.. Missed the very top settings of the script where I need to enter what outfit I want to use etc.
A thought though: Why not set it to use what is currently active as default but leave the setting in there if a user want to edit it?
Personally I just use the Maximizer tool to get what outfit I want and I dont really save it that often and would rather that the script did not bother with my gear except to check for the Codebinder and the umbrella.
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Just downloaded this script and got some bugs.

Ahhhh nevermind me.. Missed the very top settings of the script where I need to enter what outfit I want to use etc.
A thought though: Why not set it to use what is currently active as default but leave the setting in there if a user want to edit it?
Personally I just use the Maximizer tool to get what outfit I want and I dont really save it that often and would rather that the script did not bother with my gear except to check for the Codebinder and the umbrella.

Fair enough. Updating the script so that if you set your outfit to "default", it won't change your outfit.

After it complete the purchase of everything (btw, why not just buy 1 or 2 of everything and if an item is used for a test, just restock? That way you will not end up buying lots of extras from the Mall when materials will probably drop while adventuring)

Two reasons. 1. If you don't have a lot of glyphs, running the script could be very expensive. B) To save on server hits. Besides, say you have 15 hobo glyphs, and the script buys 17 of everything. If during your run, you only use 4 of everything, next time you run the script, it'll only buy 4 of everything, (so that your total when you enter the sewers is 17). It won't buy 17 of everything every time you run the script.

The script will be ready the next time my clan resets the sewers so I can test it fully one more time. With any luck, I'll update it tonight.

Fixed a bug where you weren't opening grates or lowering the water level when you wanted to.

Changed some logic so that if you do not want the script to change your outfit, familiar, mood, or CS... then it won't.

Fixed a bug where toothTolerance wasn't working correctly.

Instead of aborting if you did not have a Gatorskin Umbrella equipped (and you had the script check to make sure you have it), the script will equip it for you.

Same thing with the Hobo Code Binder.

Added a check to see if you had already made it passed the sewers.

Fixed bug with Glyph_Checker.ash.
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1/21/12 V. 1.0

1: Fixed a whole bunch of bugs. The ones people will probably notice are:
. a) Fixed it from being over-zealous about checking water level or grates when you clearly don't need to anymore.
. b) Fixed it so that when it checks grates and water level, it does it correctly. Finally!
2: Cleaned up the code
3: Uses Zlib, so that if the script get's updated again, you don't lose your settings.
. a) "default" means the script change that particular thing. If you use the "default" outfit at the end of the sewers, you keep the clothing you had on in the sewers.
4: Put GlyphChecker.ash code inside of Sewer.ash. Also condensed it.
5: The script now checks to see if it's updated.
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7/25/12 V. 1.2

1: Fixed a bug where it wasn't sending the right amount of sewer nuggets to smashbot, if the script was sending them to smashbot.

Note: the script sends sewer nuggets to smashbot if you can interact with others, and if you don't have the pulverize skill or can't access the Malus of Forethought in your current class.