New Content - Implemented Seven Loco (Con item) not in DB

The thing that would make Veracity happiest is if you posted the data that pops up in the CLI when mafia is surprised to find an item that it is unfamiliar with. Copy/paste please.
Revision 9577.

If you need any more info I have the item and can grab it.
The thing that would make Veracity happiest is if you posted the data that pops up in the CLI when mafia is surprised to find an item that it is unfamiliar with. Copy/paste please.
Sure would have been nice if you had given me the "more info" as requested, rather than making me go to the Wiki, copy (possibly bogus) info from multiple pages, and insert and double-check that the itemdesc was correct.

People tend to put any-old-shit onto the WiKi for new items. Take a look at the Moonthril Longbow, for example, which has the itemdesc of the Moonthril Circlet. "I need to put in an item descid and I cut and copied from the Moonthril Circlet and I suppose I should change that .... Nah. I'm a lazy fuck. Nobody will notice or care." Or, take a look at the Dataspider and its familiar training parameters, which, near as I can tell, were simply pulled out of the ass of the person who made that page; they certainly bear little resemblance to what I derived using KoLmafia's built in "Learn Familiar Strengths" feature on the Familiar Trainer. I spent 120 turns training and submitted the (correct) results that I derived.

The Wiki is my LAST resort for info about items, familiars, effects, whatever.

For the record, here is what I learned by training my Dataspider:

Results for Dataspider after 10 trials using 120 turns:

Contest         XP[1]   XP[2]   XP[3]  Original Rank Derived Rank

Cage Match      37      44      30      0            2
Scavenger Hunt  44      25       5      0            1
Obstacle Course 41      48      30      0            2
Hide and Seek   24      42      50      0            3

2/1/2/3, compared to the Wiki's 3/3/2/1. What a bunch of crap.