Feature - Rejected Set choice for beer pong automatically based on # of insults


It would be nice to have a dropdown where you could specify something like "start attempting beer pong when I have 6 insults." (or 7, or 8).

This might get rejected because a between battle script could do the same thing.


Staff member
While that might make it easiest to script if someone else writes the logic connecting it to the wrong decision, what you actually want to do if your goal is to get through the zone as quickly as possible is get X insults before using Cap'm Caronch's map and getting his dentures. Then you can accept Beer Pong as soon as it shows up.

I think that's enough reason to reject this, but perhaps other people don't have any desire to play the zone that way. Even though rejecting Beer Pong means waiting 10 turns for it to show up again, even if you reach 8 insults five turns later.


I like 7 insults. Sometimes I use this script to get 'em.

int insults = 0;

int countInsults() { 
	int total;
	for i from 1 to 8
		if(get_property("lastPirateInsult"+i) == "true")
			total = total + 1;
	if(total > insults) {
		print("Learned insult number: "+total, "green");
		insults = total;
	return total;

void main() {
	while(countInsults() < 7 && my_adventures() > 0)
		adventure(1, $location[Barrrneys Barrr]);


Wow, my understanding of beer pong was totally incorrect. I thought it was just a normal noncombat.

Please reject this feature request.