Bug - Fixed Sending gift items to developers fails if items are in Hangk's


On the Ascension Relay page, there are a links to "Send your rubber WWtNSD? bracelets to Veracity" and "Send your stuffed cocoabos to hola". The links appear if you have said items in storage, however, clicking on them fails in that case, e.g.
Transfer failed for rubber WWtNSD? bracelet (11)
Failed to send message to veracity

The links do work (send the items) after pulling the items out of storage.

(I don't know what would happen if some bracelets/cocoabos are in inventory and some are in storage, and I don't have any more items to test with)


I would suggest replacing InventoryManager.getAccessibleCount() by InventoryManager.getCount() in ValhallaDecorator. Is that a suitable solution?


hasItem calls getAccessibleCount, so the link would still be there if all the items were in storage, then it would fail because it would try to send zero items, so they'll need to be retrieved first.

We could call getCount > 0 instead of hasItem, but that would stop people from sending their sweet gifts if they ascended without emptying storage, which would be a travesty. So maybe it should just call a command to pull the items?
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Staff member
Revision 10103 uses getAccessibleCount, as before, but now does an "acquire" of that count before doing the csend. That should get the appropriate number of items into inventory.