Send Every Item


Okay, well after a long discussion with mult-czar, I got the go-ahead to make a mall/trading multi for my HCO character. The only thing is, I want to send EVERY item in my inventory to this character. I was trying to think of a way to inlclude the item list script that someone made (nightmist?). However, I was hoping to be able to do it in such a way that didn't simply have me putting
send * <item #1>, * <item #2>...
for all the items. I was trying to think of a way to utilize some sort of loop, any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Break out the mini browser, and take a look at the send files url, if it uses item numbers, you can simply write a loop that works in a similar fashion to the script I wrote to put stuff in my display case. Rather than using the send command, you would be building the URL yourself, and executing the URL.

Non tradable items and items you don't have will generate an error message if you are doing it manually in IE, but I do not think KOLMafia will enter an error state because it does not process the outcome of a manually executed URL

Nightmist might be able to write the reverse of his ItemToIntNumber which would be IntNumberToItem if so, that would allow the use of the item_amount function, and make things far easier.

The only downside is that each item will go one at a time. If you have much in your inventory, it may take all day to complete, then you have messages on both characters to delete. (KOLMafia saves outgoing mail by default it seems.)
alright, well I found out that sending a kmail through the GUI (which I use) allows you to select as many items as you want and splits up the message, so as far as I'm concerned this topic is closer. So if someone wants to write a script they can, but I'll let you know that its doable through the GUI.

And I just realized we can lock our own topics, neeto.