Ah. So, you know that adventuring in the Sea takes 2 turns - unless you are Fishy, which you track - or perhaps, observe.kolproxy doesn't rely on the player's web browser receiving charpane updates to know which turn it is for the session log, and additionally makes sure e.g. charpane responses aren't received out of order.
You know how many turns it takes to craft things, depending on whether you have box servants or not.
You know that certain choice adventures consume turns, no matter which option you select, whereas certain choice adventures give you an option that doesn't consume a turn.
And so on.
KoLmafia used to have all that sort of thing built in, but it meant that whenever a new choice adventure was added with a "no turn" option, for example, we'd get it wrong in log until we added support for it.
I'm curious to know how you deal with that problem, since "you don't rely on charpane updates to know which turn it is." If I get an unknown choice adventure, take the hitherto unknown option that does not consume an adventure, and then adventure again, does your session log think the turn number has incremented, or not?