Scripting Questions


New member
This is my first attempt at automating my trip to Level 30. While completing the attachment I had a few questions aside from the obvious "Is it going to work?"

1. Blank lines? Will they cause errors?
2. Will errors occur if for example: Familiar is already equipped.
3. Can I point the script to purchase the Rum and Salty Dogs from Boozerbear?
4. Can I automate my exit from KoLMafia without using ASH?
5. If I use acquire 15 twinkly wads will it randomly Pulverize unspecified items?
6. Can I buy 4 dry noodles at a "specified" price and make my own meals if I am a Pastamancer?

Thanks in advance for your advice.[br]Posted on: December 14, 2006, 01:33:42 PM
Another question.

Can I use a wildcard(*) to ssomething like: eat *

If this does work will it choose meals alpha?
1. No, blank lines do not cause errors.
2. No, it will skip the command.
3. It will automatically buy from Boozer if he's the cheapest store.
4. Yes, please read the CLI scripting manual.
5. No, pulverize is not part of acquire. Please read the scripting manual.
6. No. Buy is completely unconditional.
7. Please clarify.
Thanks holatuwol!

I asked about acquire/Pulverize because of the words (I bolded) in the description.

acquire [#] <itemname>
(acquire 5 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito)
Attempts to acquire the specified number of the specified item by any means possible. If there...

Regarding my wildcard question...If my character is no path hardcore, I usually cook or eat whatever I find adventuring.  If I wanted to automate my eating, I probably wouldn't have one meal that I would eat as a consistant diet.  My question is can I automate eating with a wildcard command like:eat all or eat to 15 or 20 fullness or eat "*".  I'm not quite sure how to word the request or if it's possible. I ask this because I noticed that when using Buy, Make or Autosell the "*" is available.

Thanks again for your help!
The * isn't actually a wildcard, it's a "all of them" quantity. Say, I knew I wanted to eat all of the knoll mushrooms I had, I would have in my script "eat * knoll mushroom". Or, "adventure * gallery" spends all of my turns in the gallery, and I don't have to know exactly how many turns that is, or how many mushrooms. If you're looking for a dynamic eating ability, you will probably want to look into using ASH. You could have some sort of script that went through a map or something and tried to eat stuff, I dunno, that'd be more work.
Thanks macman104!

I am just beginning to experimenting with the CLI scripts but I intend to move to ASH scripts soon.

I ran my script this morning. It worked as written. KolMafia is an unbelievably AWESOME tool and that comment itself is understated. Thanks everyone for your help in making my first script successful.