I like to think that if you could combine an 31337 scroll with a stone of eXtreme power, this is what you'd get 
This is a script I made to be a highly customizable all-purpose farming script. Basically I was sick of making constant changes and tweaks to the script I was using, so i wanted to make one that could be changed easily and did some of the things I always wished my old one could do.
Here's some of the features of my script:
Feel free to use parts of the code in your own script as long as you cite the source, and of course any donations would be appreciated. (Speaking of citing, the bounty hunting portion of this script is based heavily on izchak's bounty hunting script, so thanks to him for all his work) I should also point out that by default, this script is set to prompt the user to make a donation to me. The amount can be easily adjusted or it can be turned off all together. However, I would appreciate it if you leave it on, making this script was a lot of work.
Check it out and let me know what you think! If find any bugs or have any feature requests let me know. I can't promise I'll get to it right away, but I'll try. I've tested all of the parts my player is capable of testing and they seem to work fine.
*** UPDATES ***
09.19.09 - Fixed some inaccuracies with the profit calculation and changed it to prompt for donation before putting on rollover gear. (Only made changes to farm.ash)
08.25.09 - Fixed a small issue with puttyfarm.ash and bountyfarm.ash, they should now be able to be run separately and still work.
08.24.09 - Added a confirmation box before it donates in both farm.ash and puttyfarm.ash, If you find the confirmation annoying it can be turned off.
08.24.09 - Changed donation in farm.ash to be % based (This way it's more fair to people who make less) Once again donations can be turned off, although I prefer you leave them on.

This is a script I made to be a highly customizable all-purpose farming script. Basically I was sick of making constant changes and tweaks to the script I was using, so i wanted to make one that could be changed easily and did some of the things I always wished my old one could do.
Here's some of the features of my script:
- Can be set up to farm items or meat at any location
- Has options to drink, eat, spleen, and perform rollover activities
- Optionally, it can do the days bounty hunt and if you have a spooky putty you want to farm it can do that for you (I assume a lot of people might be wanting to farm rock monsters for a little while...)
- Bounty hunting and putty farming can be run separately from the main script, if you just want to use those parts
- Allows you to customize almost everything just by editting text files or changing some constants at the top of the scripts. (you can choose what outfit you want to use for farming, what familiar, what items skills and buffs you want to use, what to do with the items you acquire, and more)
- The initial setup might take a little while, but once it's configured to your needs, making small changes and tweaks should be very easy
- Lots more stuff, download it and check it out!!!
Feel free to use parts of the code in your own script as long as you cite the source, and of course any donations would be appreciated. (Speaking of citing, the bounty hunting portion of this script is based heavily on izchak's bounty hunting script, so thanks to him for all his work) I should also point out that by default, this script is set to prompt the user to make a donation to me. The amount can be easily adjusted or it can be turned off all together. However, I would appreciate it if you leave it on, making this script was a lot of work.
Check it out and let me know what you think! If find any bugs or have any feature requests let me know. I can't promise I'll get to it right away, but I'll try. I've tested all of the parts my player is capable of testing and they seem to work fine.
*** UPDATES ***
09.19.09 - Fixed some inaccuracies with the profit calculation and changed it to prompt for donation before putting on rollover gear. (Only made changes to farm.ash)
08.25.09 - Fixed a small issue with puttyfarm.ash and bountyfarm.ash, they should now be able to be run separately and still work.
08.24.09 - Added a confirmation box before it donates in both farm.ash and puttyfarm.ash, If you find the confirmation annoying it can be turned off.
08.24.09 - Changed donation in farm.ash to be % based (This way it's more fair to people who make less) Once again donations can be turned off, although I prefer you leave them on.
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