ROFL -- Ridiculously Overelaborate Function Library


Active member
[size=+1]ROFL v1.1[/size]
[requires revision NaN]

What is it?
ROFL is gee-haws, doohickeys, and whirligigs. ROFL is a box of assorted DUPLOs. ROFL is an empty fridge. ROFL is devolution towards chaos, with form.

Or, less malignantly, ROFL is a single function library containing my most useless functions. I grew tired of posting my musings in multiple threads and making sure I bumped them all. It would be nice, thought I in my customary italics, to have them all in just one place. Thus, this library, which can be easily imported into any script. In choosing which functions to include, I have tried to select only those functions which are 1) funky looking, or b) superseded by another built-in ASH function.

[size=+1]For Users[/size]

Absolutely no scripts on this forum use functions which are in ROFL, meaning you shouldn't have ROFL.ash anywhere in your scripts directory.

That's it -- you're done!

[size=+1]For Script Authors[/size]

I feel pretty confident that nearly all of these functions are useless and have narrow applications. Some of the functions may come in handy though (rollover_adventures), whilst others maybe entertaining to read. Feel free to take portions of this script and massage them for your own nefarious purposes. Feel just as free to shake your head in disappointment with my crazy scripting antics.

How to use it:
To include this library in your script, simply add the following at the top of your script:
import <ROFL.ash>

Then all these functions will be available in your script. Have fun!


Notable mentions:
Zarqon's useful function library
Cakyrespa's RPN Calculator

31.5.12: v1.0 posted.
07.6.12: v1.1 posted.


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LoL, OMG! Satire is the most awesome form of flattery. Lucky zarqon.

I actually have a script that makes use of rollover_adventures. It's got real application and isn't amusing in the least.

On the other hand number_input() always makes me facepalm just thinking about it. I remember when you first posted that. Dear oh dear, my nose has been flat ever since.

You should include the first version of decimal_format. That was the absolute funniest!
You should include the first version of decimal_format. That was the absolute funniest!

Bale mah boi! I have big things planned for that original implementation should KoLmafia ever switch integers over to longs. Speaking of which, I have a feature request to make.
In case I fail to get it to work, I need some advice. I assume it's because I can't find mafia version NaN. How do I divide my mafias by 0?
Updated to version 1.1. This version adds credit card validation, the collatz conjecture and bitwise circular shifting (rotateLeft, rotateRight).

If any users are having trouble compiling revision NaN, you'll need to add wheels to your javac, it's just common sense really ;)