There are some issues with retrieve_price function
1. retrieve_price was incorrectly returning 89307 when the actual retrieve price was 8610
2. retrieve_price for an item I already have is incorrectly returning 25 when it should be returning 0
Also there is a problem with the documentation
retrieve_price is a hyperlink that leads to this missing page
I can guess what int and item do.
but what is the boolean for?
> ash retrieve_price($item[staff of the grease trap])
Returned: 89307
Searching for "sleaze wad"...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 163 to 164
Search complete.
Searching for "flirtatious feather"...
Search complete.
> ash retrieve_item($item[staff of the grease trap])
Searching for "sleaze wad"...
Search complete.
Verifying ingredients for Staff of the Grease Trap (1)...
Purchasing sleaze wad (10 @ 850 = 8,500) from #1321271...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 164 to 165
Purchases complete.
Searching for "flirtatious feather"...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 165 to 166
Search complete.
Purchasing flirtatious feather (1 @ 110) from #730737...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 166 to 167
Purchases complete.
You acquire an item: Staff of the Grease Trap
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 167 to 168
Successfully created Staff of the Grease Trap (1)
Returned: true
> ash retrieve_price($item[staff of the grease trap])
Returned: 25
2. retrieve_price for an item I already have is incorrectly returning 25 when it should be returning 0
Also there is a problem with the documentation
> ashref retrieve
boolean retrieve_item( item )
boolean retrieve_item( item, int )
boolean retrieve_item( int, item )
int retrieve_price( item )
int retrieve_price( item, int )
int retrieve_price( int, item )
int retrieve_price( item, int, boolean )
int retrieve_price( int, item, boolean )
Retrieve price - Kolmafia
I can guess what int and item do.
but what is the boolean for?