Feature Requesting in-run protection for desert, lianas, consuming etc.



Darzil suggested that I post two separate threads to here, so I apologise if I used the wrong area or format.

I wrote a script for my own protection, but it is a terrible workaround (it traps the user in the LOV tunnel choice), since "abort" does not work for manual relay adventuring.

Consequently, I would like to request that the following zones have protection warnings (like clovers and the voting IotM):

1. The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert checking for the compass (and perhaps first other items, like the dowsing rod).

2. Dense liana zones checking for a machete.

Similar but not quite the same:

1. Warning for no ode to booze when drinking (manual relay).

2. Warning for no milk of magnesium when eating (manual relay)

Lastly, and off-topic, but I don't think it warrants its own thread:

The Dictator claims that the modifier maximizer lists Floundry items when the Floundry has already been used for that day.

Many thanks,

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I can confirm that the modifier occasionally suggests Floundry items even if its already been used
Only occasionally.
I maximized some, then made a tunac, then maximized some more (with occasional combats and/or adventures inbetween) and it was telling me to make a fish hatchet or codpiece, but now (~800 adventures later) it is correctly ignoring all the floundry options.
They show up as create and equip, and only when I have creating enabled, and _floundryItemCreated did get properly changed when I created that tunac, it just didn't seem to do anything (for a while, anyway).
I'm guessing, having not looked at the code yet, that it is missing a refresh of concoctions after getting one.
There may be more out there. It probably dates to when I created creatables for them, and was probably covered up for a while as a while back (year or so) I pruned loads of calls to refresh concoctions as it was happening several times a fight and slowing everything down.
Years ago, I had a vision of making it easy for a script to handle these kinds of warnings, rather than having them all hardcoded and built-in. I never did any work toward that though.
Some testing feedback on r19050. The change to AreaCombat.java appears to have reversed the east/west ordering for mapping which shrine goes with which progress tracker. Looks like maybe the zone names were alphabetized without changing the corresponding progress variables?
Crap, I somehow managed to do the diff backward the first time. They do in fact look correct as they are now. Sorry about that.