Request for (paid) help with writing my own script.


New member
Hi, everyone,

I have a request for some help, and this seems to be the place for it.

I need to write some scripts to manage several different characters. I've already listed out the things that these characters do in a single day - I just need the extra push to be able to turn that into an actual script.

Instead of posting the exact details here, I'd feel much more comfortable writing the code on my own, but the problem is, programming scares me a little, and I don't know where to find a tutorial that'll walk me through what I want to do.

I would like for someone with lots of experience with script-writing to hold my hand as I write the script (or scripts) that I need. Ideally, you'll have a couple of hours that we can devote to this process, and AIM or some other instant messaging software that I can use to talk with you about it.

For your time, I will give you one hundred (100) bat wing, Knob sausage, or rat appendix chow meins (your choice), as well as 250,000 meat. If you can help me out, please post in this forum thread and give me some kind of contact information (so I can email you or something).

Thanks in advance for your help. I'm about to move across the country and go to school, so I need something that's really gonna cut down on the time I spend running through these characters in Mafia every day.

Thanks again,
[quote author=maryofdoom link=topic=213.msg1076#msg1076 date=1150226435]Instead of posting the exact details here, I'd feel much more comfortable writing the code on my own, but the problem is, programming scares me a little, and I don't know where to find a tutorial that'll walk me through what I want to do.[/quote]Well, if you want, you can just request that we not actually post any code, and simply help explain things to you. Also, check out the mafia user manual, it has scripting information for you, as well as looking at other scripts on here will help you out. Here's the manual
No problem, remeber, this is a community for helping eachother build scripts and learn scripting. If you don't want to be handed each piece, and would rather ask questions about scripting techniques, and other things related to your scripts you're more than welcome to, and just make sure you let everyone know that you'd rather not simply be handed the scripts. We're here to help with whatever scripting needs you have :)
Well, I think I got it to do what I needed to do. My problem, I believe, came when I was looking at the ASH interface, which is filled with scary boolean statements and other things like that.

I just used the regular one you use in txt files and that worked a lot better.

Another question, though - does anyone have a script that will auto-repair chefs-in-the-box, automatically buying chef ingredients that I don't have? I'll go check the forum and see if anything like that exists.

Wait a sec. Mafia 8.0 is auto-buying ingredients and auto-repairing my chefs-in-the box! I don't need a script to do this after all!

Mod-type people, you can certainly move and/or close this topic, since I'm all good to go. Thanks, everyone!

( I dislike deleting threads unless they're spam; and this is certainly an acceptable forum for this thread, as it may help someone else in the same boat... I'll just merge your double-post, since I'm anally-retentive about that. ;D -Daychilde )