Request for Help - Sell Page "Autosell" Colorizer


Howdy all. Been lurking around, but figured I'd make my first post.

I've come back to the game recently, and only gotten back into KoLMafia now. At any rate, I'm looking to write a script that will help my meat generation in a given HC run.

When I load up the auto-sell page, I'd like items that "should be" auto-sold (i.e. the first 5 or 10 mall stores have min-price in mall) to show up as green. I don't need it to make any complicated decisions (i.e. is this ascension relevant) if the only difference is a cosmetic change.

I'm a proficient programmer/scripter in other languages, so I would appreciate hints, tips, and nudges in the right direction. In the mean time, I will peruse some tutorials, and such.

I am in the process of writing something similar but that does make the decisions, my prototype is stuck somewhere in the middle of Bale's OCD thread. With some modification it could probably be used to ask you if you want to sell each item it wants to sell before actually doing it.

I don't know how to do relay overrides, looks like that is what you are looking for, or a greasemonkey script which you won't find here in these forums