Request: Foldables and Squishables Window/Tab


New member
I have not been able to find this functionality via search so I apologize if it exists already.

I am looking either for a tab/window that is incorporated in Mafia to handle the foldable/squishable objects such as Turtle Wax, The Origami set, stinky cheese, spooky putty, etc...

Intended scenario A: I can see all versions of an object in the gear changer and it auto-folds the object to fit the slot I tell it to go into.

Intended Scenario B: I click over to the Squish/Fold window which has drop downs for each of my objects with this functionality and I can change them there and then equip as necessary instead of it being necessary to go into the relay browser and handle them manually.

Are either of these options possible? If they were possible would the output allow the objects to then be used by the Mod Maximizer function?

No I can't make it myself, I don't have the programing mojo. :(
There is a CLI command: fold

For instance: fold stinky diaper

That will fold something into a stinky diaper if you have a stinky cheese item.
Is there a simple way it could be turned into a tab like the others? I understand the basic idea of how to create such a thing, but lack the required syntax and structure. {[find X foldables] [For foldable 1 find info on forms (1: thing X, thing Y, thing Z)] {if thing X is chosen do command "fold name"] etc...}} I understand basically what's involved but lack the ability to correctly put it together without hours of research to learn the format that others could possibly put together much quicker than myself?

The idea is to simplify it so that it looks something like a choice adventures page from a zone, but instead its just one drop down for each foldable you have :D
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With the new relay browser overriding capabilities, maybe you could have a page where you can choose what form you want for each of your foldables... I was looking for an excuse to look in Jason's new tools, but I think it will take me some time.
I guess it could also be that the gear changer could be updated to assume all forms of an item area available with a (Max #) setup that amounts to how many of that squishable you have.