Request: Dungeon Fist! solver


I want the tickets, but Dungeon Fist is mind-numbing the first time through... I can't imagine doing it over and over again.

Since this mini-game has a static map it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to automate, eh? Maybe?
Can I safely assume that you posting this request here means that this script does not work, or that you didn't do a search for the obvious term "dungeon fist"?

I should add a caveat that I have done that game only once, and unscripted, so really (truly) don't know whether heeheehee's script works or not. I assume it will, though.
A couple of solvers have been posted elsewhere. I think at least one of them was in response to a bug report, which is not exactly an intuitive place to look.

I attach the one I use.


Can I safely assume that you posting this request here means that this script does not work, or that you didn't do a search for the obvious term "dungeon fist"?

I should add a caveat that I have done that game only once, and unscripted, so really (truly) don't know whether heeheehee's script works or not. I assume it will, though.

I did see that thread, but it was listed in "bug fixes" so I didn't realize it actually had a script.
what are you supposed to put in the input box? the value for int count

Open up the script and find out. I just opened it and checked and the input prompted for is the number of times to play Dungeon Fist. (Which is what I would have assumed.)

FWIW - Better naming conventions could prevent this sort of confusion even if it does seem rather intuitive.
void main( int games_to_play)
I just ran it a bunch and it seems to work fine. Now I can start cashing in that stash of tokens I've been building up. Thanks guys!
Thanks to whoever wrote this!
In an effort to better understand KoLMafia syntax I've played around with and changed the script a bit

my version uses your reported HP to determine what you should be doing in the game, and as such will properly finish the dungeon if you stop partway through.

  • If you manually make a choice that does not follow the optimal path it will just make you lose, loser.
  • If you have exactly 1000 HP naturally any time you've completed a game of dungeon fist the script will get stuck in an infinite loop. Big deal, just stop everything, change your equipment to give you a different hp and try again.
  • I haven't tried stopping it at every point in the game, but I don't see where it would fail if you don't select an incorrect option. Still I can't guarantee it's foolproof
and for Icon I've added the counter :p

maybe somebody will find it useful :)


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That sounds really nice, and I'll use it next time I play dungeon fist. I don't think people with more than 1000 base muscle can do anything to use it though.
i would also like it if the script would show which game it is on

An easy way to see which attempt the script is on is to watch the Game Grid token counter in "Sessio Results." Everytime it starts a new one, you will lose a token (obviously). You can also watch the "Adventures Used" counter, but the token counter is more convenient, I think.
Sorry for the thread necro... but I accidentally overdrank and needed to kill some adventures, so I thought I'd dust off the dungeonfist script and make some tickets. Unfortunately, none of the scripts seem to work anymore. I tried both of the ones on this page. I'm using daily build 10177. Does anyone know how to get this working again?
Unfortunately, none of the scripts seem to work anymore.
Nothing has changed. We don't have an autosolver for this puzzle (although we could), but using the script I posted here a long time ago:

> call scripts/DungeonFist.ash

Game 1 of 1
Action: Go West
Encounter: Demons
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Go South
Encounter: Ghosts
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Encounter: Bone Piles
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Go East
You find a Muscle Potion
Action: Go West
Action: Go North
Action: Go East
Action: Go North
Encounter: Grunts
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Encounter: Large Stone Boxes
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
You find a Combat Potion
Action: Go North
Action: Go North
Encounter: Grunts
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Encounter: Large Stone Boxes
Action: Attack!
Action: Go East
You find a Magic Potion
Action: Go East
Encounter: Ghosts
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Encounter: Bone Piles
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Go South
You shoot the food
Action: Go North
Action: Go West
Action: Go West
Action: Go South
Action: Go East
Action: Go South
Encounter: Death
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Go East
Encounter: Demons
Action: Fight!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Encounter: Large Stone Boxes
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
Action: Attack!
You find a key
Action: Go South
Action: Go South
Encounter: Ghosts
Action: Use Potion
You find food
Action: Go North
Action: Go North
Action: Go West
Action: Go South
Action: Go South
You find a locked door
You unlock the door
You find treasure
Action: Go North
Action: Go North
Action: Go North
Action: Go West
Action: Go North
Action: Go West
You find a locked door
You unlock the door
You find the exit
You acquire Game Grid ticket (30)
N... We don't have an autosolver for this puzzle (although we could) ...

What's ArcadeRequest.decorateDungeonFist() for, then? It's even got a
ChoiceManager.addGoalButton( buffer, "30 Game Grid tickets" );
and a private static final String FistScript which I am pretty sure lists which choices should be made, in order. As long as you start at the start. And have arcadeGameHints set.