Request: Dungeon Fist! solver

What's ArcadeRequest.decorateDungeonFist() for, then?
Huh. Looks like jason has been busy without me noticing.

r10000 | jasonharper | 2011-11-13 19:07:36 -0500 (Sun, 13 Nov 2011) | 8 lines

The Dungeon Fist! solver now shows progress messages when automated from the
relay browser.

Acquired Game Grid tickets now link to the redemption counter.

r9999 | jasonharper | 2011-11-13 04:15:50 -0500 (Sun, 13 Nov 2011) | 28 lines

Added "go to goal" button for Dungeon Fist!, giving you a consistent 30 Game
Grid tickets. This can only be done from the initial page of the game, as
it's just a playback of a recorded sequence of moves, with no ability to pick
up in the middle of a game.
My previous simple change to this script quit functioning a long while ago. Decided to piece together a working one today. I don't code and must thank veracity twice for the original and for
visit_url( "place.php?whichplace=arcade&action=arcade_fist&pwd", false );
visit_url( "choice.php?forceoption=0" );
cli_execute( "choice-goal" );

seems to function correctly. use at your own risk I'm not a coder I'm sure it could be better/cleaner. just a small edit enjoy. I didn't see any other current scripts hopefully someone finds this helpful.
boolean buy_tokens = true;
boolean burn_mana = false;
boolean libram_burn = false;

string last_page;

boolean PlayDungeonFist()
visit_url( "place.php?whichplace=arcade&action=arcade_fist&pwd", false );
visit_url( "choice.php?forceoption=0" );
cli_execute( "choice-goal" );
	return false;

void Arcade()
	if (contains_text(last_page, "The Game Grid Arcade"))
		if (my_adventures() < 5)
      abort("You need 5 adventures remaining to play Dungeon Fist!");
    if (item_amount($item[game grid token]) == 0)
			if (buy_tokens == true)
				buy(1, $item[game grid token]);
			} else {
				abort("You need more tokens!");

	while (PlayDungeonFist()){}

void main( int times )
    for i from 1 to times
				if (times != 1)
					print("Iteration " + i + " of " + times , "blue" );

				if (libram_burn == true)
					cli_execute("call libramburn.ash");
				if (burn_mana == true)
					cli_execute("burn *");

Edit added a call for libramburn.ash (download separately of course)
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