Request: Details inside


New member
I would like to write a script, but have no idea what the syntax should be like. If anyone would like to guide me, or just write it themselves, this is what I'm looking for:

  1. Buy and use 15 tiger-lily's milk(s)
  2. Buy and use 1 slimy alveolus
  3. Get friar's booze buff

I feel like I understand the syntax for these commands:

void main() {
acquire 15 tiger-lily's milk
eat 15 tiger-lily's milk
acquire 1 slimy alveolus
use 1 slimy alveolus
friars booze

But I'm not positive if this is correct (actually, I'm certain it can't be this easy). Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
No, it's easier. Put the following in a .txt file. You don't need ASH - and you were not using ASH correctly, anyway.

acquire 15 tiger-lily's milk
eat 15 tiger-lily's milk
acquire 1 slimy alveolus
use 1 slimy alveolus
friars booze
So that's it? Put the .txt in the "script" folder and run it from mafia?

Thanks a bunch, that was very easy. Thanks for your help.