Request- Auto-attack and Spooky Putty Sheet

Cheese Loaf

New member
Mafia has a habit of turning on Auto-Attack for its own inscrutable reasons. When using a spooky monster who you want to re-putty, this can be be a problem, especially if you're tough enough to one-hit them. I'd love it if mafia would turn off auto-attack before activating the putty- I have to manually check the account settings page each time right now.

The solution is to use a CCS, which prevents mafia from trying to save server hits by doing things you don't expect. Even if the CCS is just "attack with weapon".
I just wrote a farming script and it has a part that automatically fights your putty monster and re-putties it 5 times. the puttyfarming part is in a seperate file from the main farming script so it can be run on its own if you don't want to bounty hunt and meat farm. here's my script:

after you unzip it, the file you're going to be interested in is puttyfarm.ash

EDIT: I packaged the puttyfarming part separately in case you're lazy or in case other people are looking for something similar:
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