Remote Control Mafia?


New member
I need some help. I can play KoL at work when it's slow (Yay!) but security policies (and not wanting to get fired by bypassing them) prevent me from downloading/installing KoLMafia as a .jar or .exe. However I would be able go to my home PC through HTTP if I could get "Relay Browser" to be open to the outside world.

Is it possible to use KoLMafia's "Relay Browser" as a remote control to allow me to access the automation and whatnot remotely?
Knowing your operating system might be a big help in this. At first I assumed you were using Windows, but you are phrasing this in such a way that I'm really not sure.

How are you trying to access your home computer? RDC would seem to be the simplest way, as it does not require downloading and installing anything new as something like GoToMyPc or Logmein would and it is already installed on every Pc with XP and above in the universe, but that wouldn't require any special changes to the Relay Browser. Maybe VNC Server setup to access through http, that seems to fit what you are trying to do, but once again Relay Browser shouldn't be an issue.

Are you trying to use IIS or other web server?

I'm confuzzled.
Sorry,I'll try to clarify. I thought since the "relay browser" was accessed through the computers localIP ( that it would be easy to set this up to have a remote computer access it (by running KoLMafia and then going to the computer's IP to the outside world). I am running windows XP (on both PC's), and now that I think about it RemoteDesktop might be a good way to do this.
I wanted to use some kind of HTTP connection because I'm certain that wouldn't be a problem, where a remote Desktop might be blocked by firewalls, etc.

Ideally I'd like to go to work, type in my home IP, and have access to the KolMafia "Relay browser" interface. Would this be possible? I could probably manage setting up IIS if that is what would be required.
KoLmafia rejects any request from a remote machine for security reasons.

The simplest solution is to just disable that security feature -- on line 163 in /net/sourceforge/kolmafia/, change the InetAddress.getByName() to null and recompile. You should be able to access the relay browser remotely from any computer. But, this is a security risk where anyone who accesses that address will have control of your character, so think carefully before you decide to do this.
Call me crazy I thought I would ask.

Do they let you use thumbdrives?

I run my copy of KolMafia from a flashdrive and it leaves nothing behind on the machines where I use it. Everything travels with me on the flashdrive.
yea, kolmafia doesnt install anything on your computer, just creates folders in its directory for scripts, setting, ccs and you could stick it on your flashdrive and run it from there without needing to have it on your computer.
KoLmafia does create files on your computer in the version for MacOSX. Specifically, it creates a folder named "KoLmafia" in "~/Library/Application\ Support". I hope I got the escape code for the blank between Application and Support right. Within that folder, you will find all the mafia support folders such as settings, data, scripts, etc.
*insert cute but snarky OSX remark here* ;D

I'm sorry I forgot that it works differently on OsX than it does on Windows. I've only tried to ever run it from OsX once and all my settings were missing and I got frustrated and gave up trying that day. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that everyone uses something different, and that KolMafia works a little different on diff os...

I wonder if there is a switch that could be used to make it keep to itself on the flashdrive when on OsX, so that it behaves the "same" on both Oses...
But thats a programmer/super OsX user question I wouldn't even guess at.
[quote author=wubbie link=topic=1843.msg8718#msg8718 date=1218938647]

I wonder if there is a switch that could be used to make it keep to itself on the flashdrive when on OsX, so that it behaves the "same" on both Oses...
But thats a programmer/super OsX user question I wouldn't even guess at.

As long as it's a switch and not a default setting. It's actually a *good* thing that all files on MacOSX are all findable in
one known location as related to support files that applications creates. This drives me nuts on other OS's.
Captain Kirk - I do not think if it was a default setting it would be that difficult to work with. Just need to be forewarned the change is coming so you can adapt as needed.

On windows systems most of us install KolMafia to its own folder and then all of the settings, data, etc. are created in sub folders under the main folder. For players working in "locked down" computer environments that is a preferred way, to be able to use the program and not leave "footprints" behind on the machine. Since everything would end up being self contained it would be in a non default location, but it would be very apparent where the data was being stored.

Again its an OS dependent thing, and my OsX exposure is very very limited so I am not even sure its possible. But as a default or a switch it would be more of a benefit to players who have system limitations placed on them.
[quote author=MacGregor link=topic=1843.msg8668#msg8668 date=1218465027]
yea, kolmafia doesnt install anything on your computer, just creates folders in its directory for scripts, setting, ccs and you could stick it on your flashdrive and run it from there without needing to have it on your computer.

If it's in a corporate environment, "not installing" does not equal "undetectable". There is software that administrators can run that logs all application use. When I worked in Tech Support for a large company, it was my job to go through the report each week and call up the users to tell them that we noticed them using unauthorized software and they need to stop (if they had installed it, I'd remotely uninstall it after making the call).
Pantsless - this is true, but the original poster made it sound like he has permission to play the game when its slow. As long as it can be done without "installing" KolMafia I don't think he would be violating the policies at work. Work policies are different at every location every place, and it is the end user that is responsible to make sure they are following the policies of their work.

This discussion opened up some after I realized that Windows and OsX store the settings in vastly different ways, and I'm not sure how it works on any other OS where KolMafia can be run. This lead to the thought about making KolMafia work "the same" on each OS. This would make it easier for users who can run KolMafia at work but need it to stay self contained on a flash drive. Its still the end users responsibility to make sure they are within company policy using it from a flash drive or not, but its easier to show it installs nothing on the system where it is run.

Its probably not that important in the grand scheme of things, but I thought it would be a useful idea. That way next time i find myself without access to a pc and need to borrow my buddys mac I can just plug-in and get my turns handled.
This is actually something I'd been contemplating before. Not so much for playing at work (alas, I don't have that kind of job), but for running KoLMafia on one computer and playing through the web browser on the other. (When I'm sitting right next to both computers, yes. There was a reason why this seemed like a useful idea at the time, I just can't remember what it was now.)

I believe it'd be fairly easy to write a small server that would sit on your computer and relay requests to KoLMafia's relay server.

Restricting access to a single ip address or range would be trivial.

Basic password authentication shouldn't be much more difficult.

SSL... more difficult.

If the OP is still interested (and willing to trust the coding skills of some random person who came out of nowhere), I could try to get something written. Or if anyone else is interested, for that matter.