Bug - Fixed reloading page advances "_gingerbreadCityTurns"


Staff member
In Gingerbread City, reloading the page in the relay browser (at least for noncombats) incorrectly advances the "_gingerbreadCityTurns" counter.

[4475] Gingerbread Train Station
Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread mad dog to Noon at the Train Station
Encounter: Noon at the Train Station
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 4 to 5

(ckb note: I reloaded the noncombat page here)

Encounter: Noon at the Train Station
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 5 to 6

Preference choiceAdventure1204 changed from 0 to 1
(ckb note: I reloaded the noncombat page here)

Encounter: Noon at the Train Station
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 6 to 7

Took choice 1204/1: gain 8-11 candies
You acquire an item: Swizzler
You acquire an item: Milk Studs
You acquire an item: Swizzler
You acquire an item: Mr. Mediocrebar
You acquire an item: bag of W&Ws
You acquire an item: Mr. Mediocrebar
You acquire an item: Swizzler
You acquire an item: Atomic Pop
You acquire an item: abandoned candy
You acquire an item: ribbon candy
You acquire an item: Ultra Mega Sour Ball

Preference nextAdventure changed from Gingerbread Train Station to Gingerbread Civic Center
Preference lastAdventure changed from Gingerbread Train Station to Gingerbread Civic Center

[4475] Gingerbread Civic Center
Preference lastEncounter changed from Noon at the Train Station to gingerbread convict
Encounter: gingerbread convict
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20221024023239 to 20221024023803
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 7 to 8
Round 0: ckb1 wins initiative!

I discovered this after my 'Midnight' counter was off and I looked at my logs. Testing is a pain (because it is only once per day) but I can try again tomorrow.
Confirmed this today, this occurs when refreshing the choice page for the first choice at Midnight too:

[5140] Gingerbread Civic Center
Encounter: gingerbread mad dog
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 13 to 14

[5140] Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 14 to 15

Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 15 to 16

Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 16 to 17

Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 17 to 18

Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 18 to 19

Encounter: Upscale Midnight
Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 19 to 20

Took choice 1209/2: enter The Gingerbread Gallery (wearing Gingerbread Best
Preference lastEncounter changed from Upscale Midnight to The Gingerbread Gallery
Encounter: The Gingerbread Gallery

Took choice 1209/2: enter The Gingerbread Gallery (wearing Gingerbread Best
Encounter: The Gingerbread Gallery

Took choice 1209/2: enter The Gingerbread Gallery (wearing Gingerbread Best
Encounter: The Gingerbread Gallery

Took choice 1209/2: enter The Gingerbread Gallery (wearing Gingerbread Best
Encounter: The Gingerbread Gallery

Took choice 1214/1: acquire high-end ginger wine
You acquire an item: high-end ginger wine

> get _gingerbreadCityTurns
