Relay Task List (Programmable!)

My CLI output from running this script:

Unknown variable 'c' ()
Unknown variable 'c' ()

The error above was generated by task: Open my guild
Unknown variable 'e' ()
The error above was generated by task: Clear the Oil Peak
Expected ;, found fortune ()
The error above was generated by task: Finish the war
Unknown variable 'c' ()
The error above was generated by task: Get star stuff
Unknown variable 'towerChecker' ()
The error above was generated by task: Get tower items
Unknown variable 'c' ()
The error above was generated by task: (Me and my Nemesis Initialization)

I'm guessing this is due to a combination of my single-letter aliases (for c, e, f, and t) and the script doing something with cli_execute().
Never ascended character so definitely an edge case.

Explore Spookyraven Manor
• Unlock the second floor

appears but that is not the case. Bale's script does detect that the second floor is open so there is an opportunity here.

Also NS has been defeated so all of the tasks related to that are irrelevant but appear as to dos. Prism is correctly reported as unbroken, though.

Can you post a screenshot?

Also, the NS detection by mafia is kind of flakey, so I'm not sure how much it can be improved.

EDIT: I did a bit for the spookyraven manor, but having a 0-ascension character makes problems. Still curious about which NS tasks show up.
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Great script, but is there any chance you can make it so that using the "checkboxes" to turn on or off a task doesn't make the view jump to the top of the settings-page?
Great script, but is there any chance you can make it so that using the "checkboxes" to turn on or off a task doesn't make the view jump to the top of the settings-page?

Maybe someone with better HTML skills than me can do that, I couldn't really figure it out :/

I guess it's on the to-do for now.
Never ascended character so definitely an edge case.

Explore Spookyraven Manor
• Unlock the second floor

appears but that is not the case. Bale's script does detect that the second floor is open so there is an opportunity here.

Also NS has been defeated so all of the tasks related to that are irrelevant but appear as to dos. Prism is correctly reported as unbroken, though.

I had that problem with my ascended character and CHiT as well. Turned out that the lastManorUnlock preference never updated when I finished the manor for some reason and refused to do so even when it was obvious that it was unlocked (such as being able to get to the second floor). I had to manually raise the preference by 1.
This code isn't working to detect Groar being defeated. I tried just _p == "finished" || _p = "step5" and that worked. (the same for other uses of contains I think)

string _p = get_property("questL08Trapper");
if ($strings["step2", "step1", "started", "unstarted"] contains _p)
return "HIDDEN";
if ($strings["finished", "step5"] contains _p)
return "DONE";
return "OPEN";

Also wondering if it were possible to hide all of a section in one click when you delete, rather than that only removing the header and the child objects having to be also deleted. Also noticed that everything I deleted when I first got the script has reappeared today after an update.

You (or someone else) might want to consider adding support for the Oasis tracking and Hidden City tracking that has been added.
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The open second floor was resolved between yesterday and today. Attached is today's task list for a never ascended character. Everything on the list has been done, except for breaking the prism. I understand that some (many? all?) of them are because quests were completed before mafia added tracking for the quest, but the exercise seems still worthwhile. Similar scripts run on the same character do figure out what has been completed in some cases and sometimes a better way for mafia to figure out and set quest steps gets implemented as a result.

This code isn't working to detect Groar being defeated. I tried just _p == "finished" || _p = "step5" and that worked. (the same for other uses of contains I think)

Apparently $strings[] didn't work as I thought. This has been fixed.

The open second floor was resolved between yesterday and today. Attached is today's task list for a never ascended character. Everything on the list has been done, except for breaking the prism. I understand that some (many? all?) of them are because quests were completed before mafia added tracking for the quest, but the exercise seems still worthwhile. Similar scripts run on the same character do figure out what has been completed in some cases and sometimes a better way for mafia to figure out and set quest steps gets implemented as a result.

This has been fixed; do "svn update" to resolve. See above

Guys, don't code when you're tired! :(
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Also wondering if it were possible to hide all of a section in one click when you delete, rather than that only removing the header and the child objects having to be also deleted. Also noticed that everything I deleted when I first got the script has reappeared today after an update.

If you want to hide a default task, you should "uncheck" it. It will stay disabled when updates are pushed. If you just delete it, it will reappear when new updates show up.
I'm still seeing contains string in the following checks (at level 4 I see them because it doesn't find unstarted) :
Defeat Groar
Speak to the Highland Lord
Optional: do any number of sidequests (0/6)

After being done, I still see (for the same reason) :
Open the Boss Bat's Lair
Defeat the Boss Bat

Also, after doing svn update, all my items with an X became ticked, bar Optional: A bounty hunter is you!

Liking the tool !
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I'm still seeing contains string in the following checks (at level 4 I see them because it doesn't find unstarted) :
Defeat Groar
Speak to the Highland Lord
Optional: do any number of sidequests (0/6)

After being done, I still see (for the same reason) :
Open the Boss Bat's Lair
Defeat the Boss Bat

Thanks for pointing that out. Somehow the update got botched; I think I copied from my SVN folder to my Mafia folder instead of the other way around. svn update should fix it.

Also, after doing svn update, all my items with an X became ticked, bar Optional: A bounty hunter is you!

I think this has to do with the way task groups are imported. Give me a day or two and it should be fixed. Sorry that they're going to be overwritten again :/
I went ahead and butchered the "get star stuff" entry in naughty sorceress prep to match NS13 and only need star key.
Here it is for anyone who wants it
boolean need_key = true;

int _h(string _s)
  item it = to_item("star " + _s);
  if (it == $item[none]) 
    abort("NOT AN ITEM: star " + _s);
  return available_amount(it);

switch (to_lower_case(my_path()))
case "bugbear invasion":
  return "HIDDEN";

if (available_amount($item[richard's star key]) > 0)
  need_key = false;

if (!(need_key))
  return "DONE";

string partStr;
int _c = _h("chart");
int _s = _h("");
int _l = available_amount($item[line]);

int nc = 0;
int ns = 0;
int nl = 0;
boolean plusminus = false;

if (need_key)
  partStr += "key, ";
  nc += 1; ns += 8; nl += 7;

if (plusminus && (_s > ns || _l > nl))
  ns -= 1; 
  nl -= 1;
  plusminus = false;

nc = max(0, nc - _c);
ns = max(0, ns - _s);
nl = max(0, nl - _l);

string mystr = "OPEN <html>need " + substring(partStr, 0, length(partStr) - 2);
mystr += " = " + nc + " charts, ";
if (plusminus)
  mystr += ns + "±1 stars, " + nl + "∓1 lines";
  mystr += ns + " stars, " + nl + " lines";

return mystr;
You can use guide and chat side by side. Hell, I could manage even on my tiny 10.8 inch laptop screen, you just have to make sure to actually open them side by side instead of just letting guide gobble up the space.