Bug - Not A Bug Relay Chat: Invalid password submitted errors

This is happening to me randomly, when I try to chat anywhere, since r10016. The only cure is to log out and back in. Restarting the relay browser does NOT cure this.
I had the same problem and then went back to previous versions that had chat working fine and am still having issues. Errors in chat through the relay getting errors related to invalid password hash and "Invalid password submitted."

Perhaps a change to the game itself?

Errors in 10015, 10016, went back to 10011 and got the last error above.
hmm if it was fixed, it's not anymore. i recognize this is probably a kol issue, not mafia, but since i'm getting the errors like mad this morning i figured i'd mention it.
Cannot visit the Yossarian, constantly refreshing session

I'm currently on a surprising fist run out of ronin and doing the Yossarian sidequest. After collecting the molybdenum hammer and try to visit him again in the relay browser, I get a blank page. The CLI gives an error saying password hash mismatch and gives the path which is "/bigisland.php?action=junkman&pwd...." where the .... is the hash.

On a side note, KoLmafia also keeps refreshing the session. It occurs every minute or two and I notice in the CLI that it's validating login server and synchronizing the moon.

Edit: This is using r10058

Edit 2: I just tried to harvest my pumpkins through the relay browser and I'm also getting a hash mismatch. I think something is wrong with KoLmafia's hashing function.
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Merged. See the link in the post before yours for the KoL forum thread that talks about this issue.
I think something is wrong with KoLmafia's hashing function.
KoLmafia doesn't have a "hashing function".

On a side note, KoLmafia also keeps refreshing the session. It occurs every minute or two and I notice in the CLI that it's validating login server and synchronizing the moon.
This looks like the main note, actually. If KoL logs you out and you click a link on the last page you saw that includes the KoL-generated password hash - which changes, every time you log in - when KoLmafia tries to resubmit the page after logging you in again, the password hash will not match.

Perhaps KoLmafia should rewrite the hash in a URL it submits if it found that submitting the URL the first time required that it refresh the session.

I wonder why KoL keeps logging you out every minute or so?
Maybe there's a proxy server involved? Someone on the thread above said KoL itself is disconnecting them every few minutes anytime they're using a proxy...