Feature - Implemented Refresh status doesn't update drunkeness


I hit one of those lag problems where mafia did not get a reply to a drink command and didn't update my drunkeness status. This one was during a script, as it happens. When the script was finished, the Mafia Main Interface window showed my drunkeness as 13 while the char pane in the relay browser showed drunkeness 19. I entered
refresh status
in the CLI expecting that to catch and update the difference in my drunkeness. It didn't. So next I tried
refresh all
which did the trick. Since drunkeness is one of the things expressly returned as a result of the "refresh status" command, it seems mafia should update that. If I am mistaken and that is the intended behaviour, feel free to close this report. Mostly a cosmetic bug anyway.

OS: MacOS X 10.5.4
Mafia release: r9464


Staff member
The issue is that mafia doesn't parse for drunkenness on charpane.php, only on charsheet.php, and refreshing status only loads charpane.php (unless it uses api.php, but that would require looking at the code to check). That was brought up in some non-feature/bug thread.