Bug - Fixed Recent change broke maximizing with accessory requirement


I have a Powerful Glove in my inventory. And yet:
> maximize item, equip powerful glove

Maximizer: item, equip powerful glove
48 combinations checked, best score 314.31 (FAIL)
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

EDIT: This was resolved by restarting KoLmafia. So if it is a bug, it's a not as straightforward of one as I'd thought.
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I'm having the same trouble. My adventuring script equips a random three from the 'drops interesting items' set (spectacles, lucky ring etc…), or at least it did until yesterday.

I figured it was something temporary, but if it's happening to someone else, hopefully there's a recent change that can account for it.
I had something similar happen. I tried to equip the Powerful Glove in accessory slot one, from the gear pane and was unable to do so. It just wouldn't equip although KoLmafia showed it as equipped. When I went to the relay browser it had Mother's Necklace equipped in that slot. I was able to equip the glove through the relay browser.
If this happens again, can you post what all your equipped accessories are?

Ideally we need to make a failing test so we can fix it.
Hmm, I'm currently in the state of broken acc1. Is there an off-by-one issue?

> ash have_equipped($item[boring doors])

Changing    "boring doors" to "ring of Detect Boring Doors" would get rid of this    message. (char 21 to char 33)
Returned: false

> ash equipped_item($slot[acc1])

Returned:    ring of Detect Boring Doors
Modifying EquipmentManager.ACCESSORY_SLOTS in EquipmentRequest looks very suspicious to me.

Hunch: outfit switching that moves accessories around breaks iteration of ACCESSORY_SLOTS, everywhere.
Anyways. Two observations:
- persists across logins
- triggered by outfit changing

> equip acc1 chintzy seal pendant

Putting    on chintzy seal pendant...
Equipment changed.

>    unequip acc3

Taking off Uncle Hobo's epic beard...
Equipment    changed.

> ash foreach s in $slots[acc1, acc2, acc3] print(s +    ": " + equipped_item(s) + ": " + have_equipped(equipped_item(s)))

acc1:    chintzy seal pendant: true
acc2: fudgecycle: true
acc3: none: false
Returned:    void

> outfit rollover

Putting    on outfit: rollover
Equipment changed.

> ash    foreach s in $slots[acc1, acc2, acc3] print(s + ": " + equipped_item(s) +    ": " + have_equipped(equipped_item(s)))

acc1:    Draftsman's driving gloves: true
acc2: fudgecycle: false
acc3: Uncle    Hobo's epic beard: true
Returned: void

consistently reproduces for me. Likely related to having an empty accessory slot before applying the outfit.
Yeah it was my bad. Just a "quick change" that I thought I'd make while doing something else important has caused you and Ryo to have to make 3-4 hotfix PRs for which I am both sorry and embarrassed!

I've merged that PR ahead of a test that you could write if you wish because its causing active issues and I want it in!