New Content - Implemented Reanimated Reanimator

I'm happy to consider it implemented.

Could change the monster return counter to something like "returning monster" to cover both romantic arrow and reanimated monster, but that's pretty minor.
It seems reanimated semi-rare monsters may be causing trouble with the semirare window.
Mafia rejected all 3 fortune cookie numbers when I ate a cookie after fighting a baa'baa that I'd copied with the reanimator.
Early in Day 2 of a SC KOLHS run, I ate an optimal dog after finishing my turns in high school. I fought and reanimated a baa'baa on turn 189.
My 3rd wandering baa'baa appeared on turn 265.
I ate a fortune cookie after turn 271, and it gave me numbers 2, 93, and 101, all of which were rejected. They would all have been considered too early if it was going off a window from my last baa'baa, but the 93 and 101 were viable numbers.
Undoubtedly. We detect it is a romantic monster by the text when it appears: "hear a wolf whistle". Here is the code in EncounterManager.recognizeEncounter:

		// You stop for a moment to catch your breath, and possibly a
		// cold, and hear a wolf whistle from behind you. You spin
		// around and see <monster> that looks suspiciously like the
		// ones you shot with a love arrow earlier.

		if ( encounterType == EncounterType.SEMIRARE &&
		     !ignoreSpecialMonsters &&
		     responseText.indexOf( "hear a wolf whistle" ) == -1 )
ignoreSpecialMonsters is set when you are using a puttied or photocopied monster.
the romantic monster is recognized by its special message.

What is the special message for a reanimated monster?
According to wiki : You stop for a moment because you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You feel cold breath on your back, and spin around and see the reanimated corpse of a <monster>! It lunges at you, %pos[sic] eyes glowing green. It doesn't seem to be here for hugs.
The Wiki says:

You stop for a moment because you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You feel cold breath on your back, and spin around and see the reanimated corpse of a <monster>! It lunges at you, %pos[sic] eyes glowing green. It doesn't seem to be here for hugs.
I expect that detecting this case would be as easy as looking for "hairs on the back of your neck".

Edit: ninja'd while I was checking that we correctly have "Wink" share the romantic arrow counter.
I wonder if there's a good way to not need that added both in FightRequest (where I already added it, making me think this was taken care of) and EncounterManager.
Well, FightRequest is where you deal with the Romantic Monster windows, and EncounterManager is where you deal with semirares. Perhaps you could make a function - romanticEncounter( responseText ) - which is called in both places to detect special monsters that are not directly triggered by item usage.
The check could probably be removed from FightRequest completely and just go in EncounterManager, since the check for those messages has to be there anyway. I'll look into that when I get home.
Does using the "Wink" skill set a used flag or preference anywhere? It would be nice if it did.
I am ok using the "_badlyRomanticArrows" property... but I could not see that this was recorded anywhere currently when using wink.
If you have used wink, then you are unable to fire a romantic arrow, so if would be good to set ""_badlyRomanticArrows" anyway.