Bug - Fixed Re: pull outfit


Re: pull outfit

I was looking around on the KoLmafia wiki and happened to notice the outfit option for the pull cli command. So after I ascended, I entered:
> pull outfit Aftercore
and got no response. I'm not sure if the pull outfit command is meant to work with custom outfits, but thought it was worth a shot. My feature request is to actually make it work for custom outfits so that such a command would pull any needed pieces of that custom outfit from Hagnk's. If that is not feasible (or too much effort for the potential benefit), could I at least get a message of some sort saying custom outfits aren't supported, unknown outfit, or something of that ilk?

This would be helpful upon ascension, when starting a basement dive, and probably other times that don't spring to mind at the moment.


Active member
Since I don't think that Mafia store what is in the custom outfit I think it will be hard to get it to pull the things in it. An error message could be a good idea I agree.


Staff member
We do store the pieces, now. Revision 9018 on 2/7/2011 says this:

Experimental feature: read custom outfit page on login.
Notice when you rename or delete a custom outfit.
Add new ash function:
item [int] outfit_pieces( string outfit_name )
returns an array of the items which compose an outfit. This should work for both KoL standard outfits and also custom outfits.
Since I am (was) HC4L, it never occurred to me that you could "pull" an outfit. Looking at that command, I see nothing there that cares about whether its a normal outfit or a custom outfit, so, it should work.

If it doesn't work, I say it's a bug, not a missing feature.


Staff member
Here's a test. This character has nothing in storage; none of my test multis do. My main does - but she's in Ronin and out of pulls for the day, and I don't feel like squandering pulls on useless outfits, anyway. :)

> ash outfit_pieces( "Rollover" )

Returned: aggregate item [7]
0 => bounty-hunting helmet
1 => sword behind inappropriate prepositions
2 => General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket
3 => bounty-hunting pants
4 => tiny plastic skeletal reindeer
5 => tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer
6 => glow-in-the-dark wristwatch

> pull outfit Rollover

You have all of the pieces of outfit 'Rollover' in inventory already.

> closet put sword behind

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.

> pull outfit Rollover

You only have 0 sword behind inappropriate prepositions in storage (you wanted 1)
Pulling items from storage...
0 pulls remaining,0 budgeted for automatic use.
I added the "You have all the pieces of outfit x in inventory already" message; near as I can tell, that was the only way a "pull outfit" command would give "no response".

It looks like this should work already.

Revision 9424 adds that message.