Rapid Rodent Retrieval


New member
############## Overview ##############

Since producing a series of chatbots to acquire Hodgman's Imaginary Hamster, Grotfang and I have talked about making improvements, not least to try to grow the number of users. We now present a reworked version of those scripts to assist in acquiring this critter. These scripts can take you from opening the sewers to the end of a run, and are far more user-friendly and reliable than the previous scripts.

There are two versions which differ only in the way they signal having left the tent to the person releasing scobos. The first uses chat and the second uses an external server which someone coordinating the run will have to set up. The reason why we are releasing two versions of this is simple: we found in testing that if multiple messages were received within the same 3 second slot in the chat-based version, only 1 was acted on. This slows down the run. The solution is to get someone to re-send messages signalling they have left the stage until the mosher sees 6 characters leaving. But this is annoying. Using a server removes this problem. However, it requires people have access to a server and also requires all participants to use these scripts. We felt it better to release both options and allow users to decide which was right for them.

The chat-based scripts for musicians are designed to work alongside people manually performing the run. The script not only sends a pm to the account moshing, it also posts in chat upon leaving the stage. The musician script requires no commands to be sent to it to function. This can be useful if you have a busy schedule but want to help out clan-mates.

The character moshing gathers parts in between shows using love songs. If you do not wish to use this technique, you will need to edit the scripts.

These scripts are based on the Piglets of Fate's Hamster Guide. We are also indebted to many members of the Piglets of Fate for their assistance in testing these scripts and I would like to thank them for their patience, particularly in the earlier stages.

############## Requirements ############

1) An up to date version of mafia.
2) The scripts attached below. Make sure everybody is using EITHER the php-based scripts, OR the chat-based scripts.
3) For musicians, 2 Custom Combat Scripts are needed - 'fleeing.ccs' (CLEESH, popper, etc) and 'killing.ccs' (for overkilling hobos).
3a) For the mosher, 1 Custom Combat Script is needed - 'fleeing.ccs' (CLEESH, popper, etc)
4) Musicians must start the scripts wearing what they wish to wear when killing hobos. This MUST NOT include either your hobo code binder or your instrument, since the script checks your inventory for those items before starting.
5) For the mosher on the chat-based script, do not use modern chat in the relay browser. You are a chatbot, and doing so will mean you do not act on chat messages.
6) If using the php version, you will need a server with the php script included in this release, a text file called 'status.txt' and a text file called 'names.txt' on it.

############## Settings ##############

##### Chat #####

As leader, fill in the names of the musicians in the music_players map. The character who shall trigger you starting goes under last_up (ie. the cagebait or grater usually).

For musicians, set your combat strategy. If you need to use phials, set boolean with_phials = true;. If you need to use flavour of magic, set boolean with_flavour = true;. They can't both be true. If your ccs and outfit will sort that out, set them both to false. Also, set your alignment (the type of hobo parts you have been delegated). This goes in the string desired_alignment section. Valid options are in the comments. Note that it is "spook" and "phys", not "spooky" and "physical". Under string mosher, write the name of the mosher for the run.

For all players, grates_to_open says how many grates should be opened before going through the tunnels. By default it is set to 20. The number of hobos each person kills is set in int dead_hobos (by default, this is 146). Set use_rock_salt to false if you do NOT want the script to use rock salt.

##### php #####

See above. The only new thing is that both musicians and the mosher must provide the URL to the directory in which hamster.php is saved. This is input where the script says string server_address = "";. Make sure to get this from whoever is hosting it.

############## Usage ##############

Be sure to call the script whose name is the function you are performing (cagebot, grater, musician, mosher). autoHammyUtil is a set of functions shared between the scripts. PMlogger is the chatbot script run by mosher.ash (you merely need to call mosher.ash to get that started). These will do nothing if called.

############## Disclaimer ############

This may not produce a hamster. While we are yet to have a run fail during testing as a consequence of this script, runs can (and will) fail due to user-errors sometimes and there may be issues with the script of which we are unaware. Feedback on these things would be greatly appreciated.

We are not interested in people's views on whether the existence of these scripts is a bad thing - if you don't like them, feel free not to use them. A lot of time has been spent on producing them and we have no desire to defend this effort.

We hope you enjoy using them!


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i was a part of the hamster run today, and it worked awesome. it was a "set it and forget it". i started the script after setting up my ccs and didnt have to touch it the entire time. you guys did an awesome job
Cool, I wrote a set of chatbot hamster scripts for my clan that were wildly successful but I never got around to cleaning them up and releasing them. I do remember hitting the same chat message issue, nice job with a work-around for that.