Randomly switch tattoos


This is a simple script that will change your current tattoo to a random one that you have. I currently change my tattoo randomly every time I load charpane.php (so it changes randomly while I'm adventuring) or showplayer.php (so I can look at my profile and see a different tattoo every time).

randtat.ash goes in scripts, showplayer.ash goes in relay. You can also make a copy of showplayer.ash called charpane.ash, or whatever else you want to trigger changes.


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Correct, and make a copy of showplayer.ash called charpane.ash if you want to change your tattoo when loading your charpane. If you downloaded the scripts before posting, though, you'll want to redownload randtat.ash, because I made a minor fix.
Neat script, I've been using it for a while now. Randtat's giving me issues on my mall multi because it doesn't have enough tattoos: "Random range must be at least 2 (randtat.ash, line 21)".