// Script: Rainbow Gravitation v 1.5
// Author: Bale
// This will create a prismatic wad by transmuting elemental wads, if it can be done in Hardcore.
script "Rainbow Gravitation.ash";
notify <Bale>;
item [item] to_make;
to_make [$item[cold wad]] = $item[hot wad];
to_make [$item[spooky wad]] = $item[cold wad];
to_make [$item[stench wad]] = $item[spooky wad];
to_make [$item[sleaze wad]] = $item[stench wad];
to_make [$item[hot wad]] = $item[sleaze wad];
boolean mall = can_interact() && get_property("autoSatisfyWithMall").to_boolean();
// Mafia doesn't have recipes for cooking wads so I need to use visit_url()
boolean cook_wad(item it) {
print("Cooking a twinkly wad with a "+ it+ ".");
//visit_url("craft.php?mode=cook&action=craft&a=1450&b="+ to_string(it.to_int())+ "&qty=1&master=Bake%21&pwd");
craft("cook", 1, $item[twinkly wad], it);
// Transform all wads necessary to cast the skill.
void transform_wads() {
item [item] transmute;
foreach key in to_make
transmute[to_make[key]] = key;
item choice;
foreach key in to_make
if(item_amount(key) < 1) {
choice = to_make[key];
while(item_amount(choice) < 2) {
choice = to_make[choice];
while(item_amount(key) < 1) {
// create(1, transmute[choice]);
choice = transmute[choice];
// Figure out the cost of transmutation, then cast Rainbow Gravitation
boolean gravitate() {
int [item] wads;
wads[$item[twinkly wad]] = item_amount($item[twinkly wad]);
wads[$item[hot wad]] = item_amount($item[hot wad]);
wads[$item[cold wad]] = item_amount($item[cold wad]);
wads[$item[spooky wad]] = item_amount($item[spooky wad]);
wads[$item[stench wad]] = item_amount($item[stench wad]);
wads[$item[sleaze wad]] = item_amount($item[sleaze wad]);
boolean doit = true;
// Do I have one of every wad? If so, then ask for confirmation if transformation is needed and cast.
boolean rainbow(){
foreach key in to_make
if(wads[key] < 1)
return false;
int twinkle_used = item_amount($item[twinkly wad]) - wads[$item[twinkly wad]];
if(twinkle_used > 0)
doit = user_confirm("Transmuting elemental wads would use up "+ twinkle_used+ " twinkly wads.\nGravitate the Rainbow?");
if(doit) {
use_skill(1, $skill[Rainbow Gravitation]);
return true;
if(mall) {
int summonsLeft = 3 - get_property("prismaticSummons").to_int();
foreach key in wads
retrieve_item(summonsLeft, key);
use_skill(summonsLeft, $skill[rainbow gravitation]);
return true;
item change;
int steps;
foreach key in to_make
if(wads[key] < 1) {
change = to_make[key];
steps = 1;
while(wads[change] < 2) {
change = to_make[change];
steps = steps + 1;
wads[key] = wads[key] + 1;
wads[change] = wads[change] - 1;
wads[$item[twinkly wad]] = wads[$item[twinkly wad]] - steps;
if(wads[$item[twinkly wad]] < 1) {
print("There are insufficent twinkly wads to transmute that many elemental wads", "red");
return false;
return doit;
return doit;
return false;
// Can't transmute wads without Way of the Sauce
boolean need_way() {
boolean need = false;
foreach key in to_make
if(item_amount(key) < 1) {
print("You lack a "+ to_string(key)+ ".", "#FF7028");
need = true;
if(need && !have_skill($skill[The Way of Sauce]))
return true;
return false;
// First, do I have the pre-requisites to cast Rainbow Gravitation?
boolean can_gravity() {
int el_wad;
int el_wads(){
foreach key in to_make
el_wad = el_wad + item_amount(key);
return el_wad;
switch {
case !have_skill($skill[Rainbow Gravitation]):
print("You don't have the skill to gravitate a rainbow.", "red");
return false;
case get_property("prismaticSummons").to_int() > 2:
print("You've already made 3 Rainbow Wads today!", "red");
return false;
case mall:
return true;
case el_wads() < 5:
print("There are insufficient elemental wads. Make "+ to_string(5 - el_wad) + " more, then try again.", "red");
return false;
case item_amount($item[twinkly wad]) < 1:
print("You cannot use Rainbow Gravitation without a twinky wad.", "red");
return false;
case need_way():
print("Without understanding the Way of the Sauce you cannot transmute wads.", "red");
return false;
return true;
void main() {