Feature - Rejected r9762 - hosed fishbowl recipe for makeshift SCUBA gear not recognized


Active member
Returned: 0

> ash item_amount($item[hosed fishbowl])

Returned: 1

> ash item_amount($item[fishtank])

Returned: 1
Stumbled on this one quite accidently. Had made a hosed fishbowl for the recipe count and decided I'd just let mafia take care of the rest. When I hit the Quest menu for the Lucky entryway, it gave me this notice:
Verifying ingredients for makeshift SCUBA gear (1)...
Verifying ingredients for hosed tank (1)...
You need 1 more fish hose to continue.


Mafia doesn't support items that have several recipes, so it only knows one way to make each of those.

There might be a few exceptions that are hardcoded, like the recipe for the gatorskin umbrella, but the makeshift SCUBA gear isn't one of them.


Wouldn't that be "bug-won't fix" then? Not that I disagree with that decision - overhauling item creation to account for the tiny number of fringe cases is not feasible.

I could see it being necessary if, say, secondary recipes for advanced/SHCs were introduced, but yeah..